Thursday 5 December 2013

Assignment 3 Reflection

Assignment 3 Reflection

This activity posed a bit of challenge to me even though I am familiar with unit planning. At first the assignment was a bit confusing, and steps were taken to revise it.  

The second version was a bit easier.  I worked tirelessly to complete this assignment and I hope and trust  my hard work will pay off in the end.     
 Module 4 

Activity 8 Reflection

This activity did not require me to complete any assign task but instead just a brief reading which provide some beneficial information to take into consideration before starting Assignment three. The reading looked at points to consider when developing unit plan, it also look at assessment standards these standard paved the way for Assignment three. This was very useful activity.

Thursday 21 November 2013

Actvity 7

Module 4
Activity 7 Reflection
This activity required us to work collaboratively in terms of group interaction.   We were asked to provide feedback on members of the Group assigned to us by our tutor Mrs Hallowes.  I was assigned to group 4 and my Group 4 members are as follows Chad Grant, Collin James, Kathleen Jeffers and myself Jannis John. It was a great hearing my colleagues’ feedback on my work, and also I made constructive comments on their work.  Even though some of my colleagues was late in submitting their activity for feedback it all came together in the end. We look at peer assessment earlier in the module and this was evident in our activity.  This is a very good activity that should be utilized more in the classroom since it can help improve student’s ability because since they have a say in the learning process.

Thursday 14 November 2013

Assignment 2

Module 4

Assignment 2 Reflection
This assignment required me to create five creative formative assessment tools for ICT integration.   The assignment was revamp by our assessor since there were contradictions with the instructions on the blog and in the course material so this caused a delay in the submission of our assignment.
The tools created  address the learner with clear expectations of what is required to succeed also they fulfill a place to record the identity of the students being assessed, a description of what is being assessed, a list of criteria that are being assessed, a place for the level of assessment.  Also at least one aspect of ICT integration and at least one learning objective.  
This assignment was a manageable one for me since I was provided with examples of creating assessment tools both in reading and in activity six. Creating assessment tool is a very critical aspect in education since the main reason why students are assess is to find out what they know, identify areas of strengths and weaknesses.  I will definitely integrate what was learning in this Module to my teaching context. I know God will see me through with this assignment.

Assignment 1 Reflection

Module 4 
Assignment 1 Reflection
This activity posed a bit of a challenge to me in the beginning since I was not really sure what was required. After submitting my draft to my tutor I took a wrong path and my tutor help me refocus and keep on track. I work tirelessly to get this assignment completed and in the end it really paid off, hard work definitely bring success.  
I thank God for coming through for me as always and I am very pleased with the grade obtained. 

Tuesday 12 November 2013

Module 4
Activity 6 Reflection

This activity was a good activity for me I utilize the search engine Google .com to research topic basic information about computers; the questions researched on that topic are as follows  what is a computer? Identify at least three types of computers? and finally stating 4 functions of a computer. Also the sources of hyperlinks to where the information was obtained were listed.  The utilization of text boxes was used to display the questions, answers and hyperlinks.  At first my tutor could not gained access to the hyperlinks to establish where the information was obtained from since some of the boxes were moving here and there. My tutor share an idea with me on how to eradicate the problem and after applying it worked pretty fine.  An assessment was also design to assess the students in relation to the given topic.  The readings provided with this activity is very meaning.  I am definitely going implement what I learned in this activity. 

Tuesday 5 November 2013

Activity 5 Reflection

Module 4Activity 5 Reflection

This activity was very interesting one for me even though I had to recreate it on a second attempt. The main reason for this is due to the fact I was not quite sure what was required of me.  In the readings provided  for the activity it was noted that there a few things that must be taken into consideration with  assessment for example you must include the learners  name, what is being assessed, the areas or criteria being assessed and finally  a place where you  include marks  or comment.   

The activity focal point was creating assessment tool which you can utilize to assess assessment tools. To produce an assessment tool which can be use to assess assessment tools.    Also some light was shed on different rubrics and checklist that can be used in assessment.  Though this activity make me do additional work it was worthwhile I learn new information which was applicable and valuable to me.

Thursday 24 October 2013

Module 4 

Activity 4A and 4B Reflection

Assessment is a very vital element in the learning process so teachers need to be aware of the different diversity that exists in relation to assessment procedures and methodologies. As teacher we need to be aware of the different learners we encounter on a daily basis, and what suitable methods that can be utilize to integrate Information and Communication and Technology in assessment, or which devices are most suitable for the activities you have to conduct, also we need to be aware of the different skills that will be assess and reasons why we are assessing these skills etc.  Even though the activities constituted a lot of reading the information received provided a meaningful insight to me.  Some of the information was previous knowledge to me while other were new or shed  new light in the way I looked at the information previously.  

I was particularly interested in the aspect which dealt with the theory of multiple intelligence by Gardner. Also the guidelines provided demonstrated to teachers more constructivist methods or approaches of assessment   they can follow for e.g. group assessment, self assessment and peer assessment, summative and formative assessment.  I found the information on the types of peer assessment to be very useful to me. 

The activities comprised of two sections where five(5)  Information and communication Technology standards were compose and a set of assessment guidelines for assessment were develop after which colleagues provide immediate feedback on what we have presented.
With the information gained so far from this module I will definitely put it into practice.

Saturday 19 October 2013

Module 4

Activity 3 Reflection

This activity contained  a lot of reading material to complete which was very beneficial to me. I learnt some new or additional from the reading.  When I tapped into my previous knowledge regarding my experience with Gardner multiple Intelligence theory, I must confess that I utilize and incorporate some of the intelligences while others are left unattended.  I am most definitely going to t improve in utilization of most these intelligences or get familiar with using all of them since this can help to improve student’s educational outcomes.  Diversity is very essential element in any situation since you have an option you decide what you want to include and exclude. Having a monopoly  with the use one or two of the intelligences  will not give a true reflection since all of the them are most of them are not assessed which means retention level will drop if you are using the same option over and over again.  If this is accomplished or achieved the situation will become monotonous and the interest and motivation will decline significantly. When planning for classroom instruction the teacher must take into consideration the following they way students learn, their ability to think out the box, select appropriate activities, learning theories, learning styles, teaching and assessment methods.  

Wednesday 16 October 2013

Module 4
Reflection on Activity 2
Student’s assessment procedures have change considerately from more teacher centered assessment methods or approaches to students centered assessment method or approaches.   It is very good to know what my colleagues views are on what we assessed on a daily bases in the classroom in light of what we are doing similarly and differently.  I have found some meaningful ideas that I can utilized in the classroom for better results and achievement on the part of the student.

Based on my colleagues responses it can be clearly seen that the following areas were highlighted frequently by colleagues responses 1. conducting peer assessment, 2. Student’s use of the application of higher order thinking skills, 3. Student’s memorization of facts previously presented to them, 4. The ability to transfer what students know to a different context and situation, 5.students working individually and collectively on given tasks, and 6. students are provided with the opportunity to foster creativity.

There are some areas which I have not assessed for example student’s ability to adequately or effectively manage their time wisely to complete given tasks. If students don’t balance time well this can definitely influence students performance in school so effectively use of time is beneficial to students .

Also students ability to 
demonstrate students appropriate attitudes and value towards their work  I can include this  feature in future assessment practice by indicating how students  attitude and value and perception can deter or hinder  their progress as well how it can be beneficial to their work positively. Positive  attitudes and values since it will definitely improve educational outcome he student  for  while negative values and attitude and perception will produce negative output.

Monday 10 June 2013

Module 3

Module 3 Reflection

Monday 10th June 2013

This module was a very informative and exciting one for me. Each time I gained new experiences with the different modules I interact with .  I will definitely utilized some of the tools in my teaching and learning  situation.  I am developing a better understanding of ICT integration with this course . 

Assignment 3

Monday 10th June 2013

Assignment 3

This Assignment was manageable, so some aspects of it cause me to ponder and think carefully. I got to complete my assignment in due time.  I place this assignment in the hands of God and I know he would see me through it.

Monday 3 June 2013

Activity 11 Reflection

Activity 11 Reflection

Sunday, June 02, 2013

 In this activity the main focal point was building a Professional Learning Network.  I created my Professional Learning Network using the social media twitter. I have often heard individual spoke about the benefits twitter but never got firsthand experience with since I had no account.  Some of the benefits of twitter  includes you can listen to the conversations of those  who you are following as well  you can listen to what others are saying about you. You can use Twitter as a tool for your own content sharing blogs, pod casts and videos to name a few.  Twitter is also very essential for sharing pictures, a huge range of different diverse conversations can take place simultaneously, you can also use the twitter platform to keep yourself informed on a wide variety of topics. 

Even though I am in the process of experimenting so far, the experience is very good one and hope to master the necessary skills to reach maximum potential with the use of this social media. I send out request for my CCTI colleagues to add me on twitter so we can follow and keep up to date with each other page. This a very Good Information and Communication Technology tools it can assist in finding teaching aids for the classroom since teachers from different islands share resources which other can utilize to improve their teaching and learning situation.

Activity 10 Reflection

Activity 10 Reflection

Sunday, June 02, 2013

This activity was inclusive of readings on social media and smart workers also my group had to complete a collaborative discussion on the topic (can we be smart workers). The readings completed for activity 10 emphasizes Stages of Workplace learning e.g. Classroom training, E-Learning, Blended Learning, Social Learning and Collaboratively Learning Working which was also subdivided in the top down control and bottom up control.  Looking back at some of the pertinent questions asked it can be clearly demonstrated that individual can be as smart worker  base on current situation confronting them and how they can quickly come up to workable solutions to eradicate the  problem. Some of the quality a smart  worker possess are as follows the ability to recognize that learning is a continuous process when doing your job, also finding quick solutions to performance problems, also happy to share what they know to others and rely on trusted network of friends and colleagues. The benefits of Social media allow us to share and receive information resources and experiences from other expert personnel in the same field or line of work.  It also provides opportunities to discover, connect, communicate, and collaborate with others.I feel proud to say I have definitely moved from where I started in this course.  

Tuesday 28 May 2013

Reflection on Module 3

Assignment 2

28th May 2013

This assignment was a bit of a challenge for me I read the instructions on numerous occasions trying to ascertain what is require in order to complete the assignment. I place a lot of work, time and energy into my assignment. I did my best and     God see me through the completion of  the assignment.  Before activity 9 I would log unto different websites without looking for the criteria now am more critical in the way I look at websites. I hope and trust I will receive good grade. 

Monday 20 May 2013

Module 3 Activity 9 Reflection

Module 3

Activity 9 Reflection

Sunday 19th May 2013

I enjoyed assessing various websites based on the information they contained based on the following headings  purpose, credibility, accuracy and final biasness towards given topics. This had shed light on which sites I would select information from. After this activity I am going to be careful with the information I am selecting from the internet because some of the questions I will now ask myself is the information from a credible source of information or is it accurate or if the author bias to the topic etc. 

My colleagues and I discuss the sites based on the above mention headings on the group blog.  Their comments I take into consideration since we are all unique and have different ways and style of presenting information.  A very good activity.

Module 3 Activity 8 Reflection

Module 3

Activity 8 Reflection

Sunday 19th may 2013

This activity was a very enlightening one for me as a lesson plan was constructed for grade k incorporating spreadsheet in Social Studies on the topic Types of houses individual students input data to create various charts.   Students were very interactive and engaged in the lesson students participated well as the share the type and colour of their houses in their groups respectively. 

Also the activity required colleagues to constructively criticize two lessons from the group and individuals the strengths and the weakness of lessons was highlighted to help teachers build, improve and correct their mistakes.  I really enjoy doing this activity.  Many teachers the idea of person critiquing their work but I think it is a very good initiative.  

Module 3 Activity 7 Reflection

Module 3

Activity 7 Reflection
Sunday 19th May 2013

This activity focus mainly on the utilization of the spreadsheet program to analyze and interpret data with a student named Nicole.  In the information present to the student in this activity Nicole was familiar with vehicle injury and the teacher was able to linked it to what she didn’t know effectively.  Nicole had no prior knowledge or experience with constructing graph using the spread sheet program so she was total dependent on the teacher to construct the graph. Also I had to answer questions based on the lesson and email my results to my tutor. 

I was provided with reading on just in time approached to learning which stipulates that you are  introduce  to tools and skills as and when you need them (just-in-time). I think this is a very good strategy where person would only learn skills that are relevant to them rather than learning a huge number of skills that is not relevant to them. 

The second aspect of this activity we were involved or Participated in an online discussion with our group using the subject heading Handling a big group, or we had to share our ideas about how you would use a spreadsheet on one computer in a classroom, when you have about 40 learners in the class.  I colleagues made very meaningful valuable contribution which I will used to enhance my teaching and Learning situation at my school.

Wednesday 15 May 2013

Module 3 Assignment 1

Module 3 Assignment 1

Wednesday 15th May 2013

This assignment required me to think and ponder greatly.   I manage to  completed my draft and Assignment in due time even though i was experiencing little difficulty with the final aspect. I didn't experience  any problems in the creation of my documents.  I place a  lot of emphasis and time in my assignment and I hope and  prayed it was for the best.

Sunday 5 May 2013

Module 3 Activity 5

Sunday 5th May 2013

This activity was very interesting and enlightening.  I loved the scenarios presented, some of which I was familiar with while I was  not aware of others.  

I especially like the Power Point Advance with the multiple mouse I found this to be very fascinating. I am definitely going  to incorporate some of these scenarios in my teaching situation. My only regret is that I did not get to explore more of them since  time did not permit, but would try them  out at a later date.  

Wednesday 1 May 2013

Module 3 Activity 4

Module 3 Activity 4
Activity 4 Reflection: Using Microsoft Excel to Create a Record Book
29th April 2013
In this activity we had to create a Record book using Microsoft Excel as administrative purpose which was very engaging.   I am familiar with the excel program so I got through to do it more quickly, the only part that was posing a bit of challenge to me was the area related to the If function since I forgot for a moment what was to be done but after a little fiddling and tapping my previous or prior knowledge I was able to get through. One of the benefits of the program is when you construct a template it is very easy to amend and update it rather than restarting the entire process from the beginning which assist the teacher and make work easier.  I have devise ways how to incorporate word processor into excel to make to improve the educational level of my students in and out of the classroom
Finally I feel elated working with excel because there are a lot of exciting activities and innovations you can engage in.

Module 4 Activity 3 B

Module 4 Activity 3 B

Reflection Activity 3B

Group Activity 3B: Integrating the word processor

27th April 2013
This activity included a lesson plan integrating the use of word processor by learners my lesson topic  was changing the appearance of pictures for grade six(6) students were instructed how to Crop, Lighten, Darken,Sharpen, and resizing pictures of animals.  The lesson was great the students participated well, those who understand the concepts were able to supply assistance to those who were experiencing some difficulty.
The activity was very engaging. Students were given a project to complete as a follow up activity students were very interested in this and this help curb the in differences among students since the project catered for individual differences. There were aspects of the excel exercise that took a little longer but eventually I was able to complete.

Module 3 Activity 3A

Module 3 Activity 3A
Activity 3 Reflection: Group Activity 3A - Gathering ideas
 27th April 2013
In this activity a collaborative excel document was utilize to share ideas about how the word processor can be used by students as a learning resource.   Every day our students are exposed and interact with word processing in our classroom whether at the primary, secondary or tertiary levels. A discussion was held with some of the colleagues at school and the following ideas emerge when using word processor you are able to edit your work before printing it. It also contains a spell checker utility that can be use to select correct grammar. The thesaurus feature can be employ to see the meaning of words and their synonyms, finally using a word processor you can transfer text from one location of the document to another without resulting to retyping.  Also my colleagues in my group made valuable contribution towards this activity, some of which I was aware of while I not conscious of some of the others. 

Activity 2 Reflection: Word Processor for Administrative Purposes

Module 3 Activity 2  
Activity 2 Reflection: Word Processor for Administrative Purposes
24th April 2013
In this activity the main focus was the administrative uses for word processor e.g. teachers can use word processor to formats forms, letters, flyers, invitations etc it presents information professionally, concisely and clearly in an organized manner.  The  activity allow me to construct  a Grade  k  readiness checklist which included the different tasks the students would complete, a rating scale was utilize to see  what level the students were operating at.  I also created a money worksheet for grade four (4) where students calculate the total for various items in a supermarket like setting. The feedback from the document was favourable.  
I really enjoyed this activity as I read all my colleagues work and commented on some of them briefly.   It can be established that the work produced by my colleagues were great and a wealth of knowledge do exist between us.  Finally I discovered some different activities and administrative tools that I can utilize in my teaching and learning situation since some new light was shed on the different administrative uses of word processor by my colleagues.

Friday 26 April 2013

Monday 22nd April 2013

Module 3 Activity 1

Roles of the Educator by Emilia Potenza? (Curriculum Adviser)
I started my second module which is module 3 on Monday the 22nd April in a whole day workshop facilitated by our Tutor Mr.  Roos.  We were provided with reading on the seven roles of the teacher.  I enjoyed the reading as it shed light on some of the quality I should possess in the classroom most of which I am familiar with.   I love the subdivision of the various roles we  had to complete. My colleagues and I work  collaboratively on  the seven roles and place our input in an excel document.  The responses of  my colleagues  were very informative and enlightening.   It is great to hear the views of others so you can come to a tentative conclusion.

Module 2 Assignment

Assignment 3 Reflection

This assignment posed a bit of a challenge to me especially the final aspect but in the end I manage to get it completed on upload.  I took all out of me and I did my best.  I hope and trust my hard work was worth it.

Monday 15 April 2013

Activity 9

After concluding reading on the star chart it can be seen as an initiative that can be utilize in our various teaching and learning situations in relation to school readiness in Information and Communication Technology. The chart outlined four Tech level inclusive of early tech, developing tech, Advance Tech and finally target tech.  

The Star Chart was beneficial to me since it assisted me in determining my school readiness in relation to Information and Communication Technology it gave an in-depth assessment of the level at which my school is functioning in terms of its ICT readiness. The Star Chart can determine where we are now and how we can move on to the different stages in the future.

I loved how the chart included parents and community involvement.  To be successful in anything we have to always address everyone who is involved whether directly or indirectly.  As teachers we can tailor this chart to meet certain ICT criteria.  I personally think the star chart can be utilized in our society.


Thursday 11 April 2013

Activity 8

Activity 8 Reflection
The reading on the Church Hill Report on teaching spaces and curriculum delivery was quite useful and beneficial to me. It was said that the arrival of even one computer in the classroom can influence the way students learn and the way the classroom operates.  Making space in the classroom for Computers and other peripherals devices initiates a rethinking process on the part of the teacher which will lead to reevaluating of classroom activities.  Having adequate space in the classroom is very important. Many students need personal space in order to feel that they belong to the classroom and that they can keep their personal belongings safe.
The way you organize your classroom reflects your expectations for student participation and behavior.  Classroom arrangements generally fall on the scale between student-centered and teacher-centered approaches.
The classroom is only one of the places where children learn. And as teachers, we have the opportunity to take advantage of different spaces to spark different kinds of learning.  When planning my lessons I would definitely take into consideration best practices with teaching space, How ICT would influence my methods, assessment etc.

Activity 7

Activity 7

This activity was quite interesting and fascinating I was never exposed to the drop box program or facility before, but some of the features I had some previous knowledge of it.  I definitely see this as a tool I can utilize in my teaching and learning situation.  This is a good medium for students to interact and collaborate and share ideas, and comment on their classmates work. I use the feature to comment on three of my colleague’s presentation which I found to be good presentations. I am going to explore aspects of drop box  utility I am not aware of.

Saturday 30 March 2013

Activity 6 Reflection

Activity 6 Reflection

The reading produce by Mr. Wheeler was a very useful to me it generally focus on the role of teachers play as a facilitator or a guide in the learning process.  According to the reading teachers will need to adapt to change in order to survive and keep update with the new methods and technologies.  
Teachers have to look for different means and ways how to integrate technology effectively and efficiently. Since our roles have change and we are no longer the distributor of knowledge, and students are responsible for discovering and construction knowledge. Opportunities should be provided for students to collaborate with teacher and fellow classmates.
I am fascinated to hear about the school in Minnesota where students and teachers enjoy the facility to share information anywhere in the school through the use of television monitors. Also the idea where 10yr olds communicated with each from different countries through the use of email, even though this needs constant monitoring it is an excellent idea.   The reading provides me with some tips I can use to improve my teaching and learning situation.

Assignment 1Reflection  

This assignment was a bit of a challenge to me at the beginning; it forced me to tap my prior knowledge in order to complete it, though at times I was not sure of how to do certain aspects, in the long run it paid off.

Tuesday 26 March 2013

Activity 5 Reflections

After completing the readings on computer literacy and the integrated approach.  It can be seen that computer literacy is often regarded as being able to accomplish certain tasks with the computer however it deals with understanding what it means when we do things with it. Prior to my reading in our society we often look at persons who can use the computer effectively as a computer literate but the reading proved otherwise.  

The integrated approach on the other hand calls for discovery on the part of the learner; ICT plays an essential role in altering the learning process so teachers have to continually reexamine the learning process and try to integrate the strategies that make our students the focal point in the teaching and learning situation. These readings definitely allow me to ponder on the strategies I use previously and what I should use now.  I am going to try and influence my colleagues in utilizing some of these strategies in their teaching and provide some additional support when they need it.  It is said that knowledge is dynamic and static so we must not stick in our old ways otherwise we will be left behind, since technology is changing at a rapid rate we need to constantly update our self.

Thursday 14 March 2013

Reflection Activity 4

Activity 4

Thursday 14th March 2013

The readings on both Vygotsky and Dr. Mitra were excellent and would be definitely influence the way we teach our children. I have developed a deeper understanding of spontaneous learning and how students should actively construct their own knowledge. We as teachers have to continually incorporate these strategies in our teaching and learning situation to help our students reach maximum potential.   Even though it is ideal for students to discover and explore what they are learning for them self it does not mean we must sit idly by allow our students to what they want without any guidance.   We have to remember at the end of the day teacher are not the focal point but our students are. 
I am going to definitely allow my students to construct and discover knowledge for themselves and this in turn would assist students to retain more information.
Everyday this course it ICT integration is opening my eyes to different dynamics in the teaching and learning situation this course will allow me to effectively and efficiently integrate in my lesson on a daily basis. Our students are constantly interacting with different ICT tools so we need to encourage them to use them improve their learning achievement.   Finally we as teacher need to get with the program and investigate what devices student are familiar with.   We are teachers and we need know how to use some the devices our own student are using.

Monday 11 March 2013

Self Activity 4

Monday 11 March 2013

List of  skills and behaviours students learn prior entering School:

  •  They should have an idea of counting and reciting letters of the Alphabet
  •  Identify  different Colours
  • Compare objects according to size( Big, Small)
  •  Know the names of objects or items in the home.
  • They should know how to sort objects
  • They should have basic hygiene (washing  hands before eating and after using the bathroom)                                                                            
  • They should have good manner ( Saying Good Morning Thank you etc)
  • They should able to tell their names and the names of their parents

 Ways how the child learn these things are as follows:

  • Through Modelling/ Observation ( Parents/ Primary care givers)
  • Through the use of the Internet
  •  Repetition of Letters and Numbers
  • The use of  educational Books( story books etc).
  • Educational videos, CD/DVD / Movies( Deigo, Dora the explorer)
  • Playing and communication  with friends.
  • By using concrete objects

Sunday 10 March 2013

Activity 3 Reflection

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Activity 3 Reflection

Activity three (3) was a very enjoyable one for me since I have no prior knowledge or experience with Mind Meister Mapping Software before this course.  Our tutor Mr. Roos provided and excellent video to assist us in using the software. Those features that I was unfamiliar with I explore and ensure I knew how to use them adequately.   

After  my exploration with the software I am going to try and effectively, incorporate this  software  to try and  assist  me in  improve the  teaching and  Learning situation in my various classes.    

The collaborative effort by my colleagues was great, individuals  made their valuable contribution to ensure that the activity was completed.   I am very happy to be part of this course to gain exposure and learn new information.  Looking forward to see more new initiatives.  

Friday 8 March 2013

Activity 2

6th March 2013 Discussion

Activity 2

The reading was an informative one. I’ve learnt about the differences in perception and attitudes towards ICT.  It really has to do with you as an individual and your ability to comprehend and develop skills in the implementation of ICT.

It was establish that positive attitudes towards ICT depended on the history of the teacher and their experiences of ICT training in school, this statement I totally agree with since I was under the impression that the older teachers feared technology and left it for the younger teacher who they think would manipulate the ICT devices better than themselves. This is very far from the truth since no one is too old to learn.   Once the right mechanisms are in place to help facilitate the entire process both young and old teacher would be on board.  

Reflection on Activity 2: Two Generations of Teachers Differences In Attitudes towards  ICT

Today I have completed my reading on Two Generations of Teachers Differences in Attitudes towards.   The introduction of Information and Communication Technology has brought about  changes in both the teachers and students in terms of their understanding, skills, knowledge and attitudes.

It was highlighted that in spite of age, positive attitudes towards ICT integration is relied on personal history, teacher personal experience of teachers. I learnt that information is not static so when we attend training seminars we must take the information back to our schools immediately and educate others so the steps to will be gradually rather than in totality.  Together we stand divided we fall.  When we all work together we accomplish greater things. 

This Course is opening my eyes wider everyday and the discussions touch on points I did not even t note of. I am very happy to be a part of this juncture.

This article hels me reevaluate my perspective on why persons don’t embrace ICT integration.

Monday 4 March 2013

Activity 1 Reflection

Activity 1

The topic can a developing nation compete with develop nations in terms of ICT Integration generated alot of discussion and brought out points I was not  aware of . This topic was quite motivating and I am looking forwards to the others.

Sunday 3 March 2013

Activity 1

Sunday 3rd March 2013

ICT Integration at The Belair Government School (BGS)

It can be clearly demonstrated that there is some level of integration taking place in the school but all is not well. 

The students are taught Basic Information Technology from Grade K – 6 by the IT Teacher.  Students are provided with the basic skills and knowledge needed for the operation of the computer.
Students use the various applications on the net books to complete given tasks e.g. office calculator, writer, impress etc.

The schools is equip with a computer lab which contains 6 Hp Computers, 2 laptops, Projector, Printers etc. The computers there are used by teachers to help in the delivery of some of their lessons.

Only the students from grade 3-6 are recipient of the government initiative one netbook per child. The students have access to wireless internet on a daily basis where they can research or do their homework if they have no access at home.  The problem comes when we are using the net books and some of the Net books are not working or chargers have a fault. Then they have to work into groups and some students don’t want to share.

Some teachers try integrate ICT into one or two of their lessons per week due to the fact of unavailability of some resources and some teacher don’t have all the training to integrate ICT effectively in the classroom.

Finally I believe with appropriate planning and implementation strategies of ICT integration students and Teachers at the Belair Government School will benefit tremendously.