Monday 15 April 2013

Activity 9

After concluding reading on the star chart it can be seen as an initiative that can be utilize in our various teaching and learning situations in relation to school readiness in Information and Communication Technology. The chart outlined four Tech level inclusive of early tech, developing tech, Advance Tech and finally target tech.  

The Star Chart was beneficial to me since it assisted me in determining my school readiness in relation to Information and Communication Technology it gave an in-depth assessment of the level at which my school is functioning in terms of its ICT readiness. The Star Chart can determine where we are now and how we can move on to the different stages in the future.

I loved how the chart included parents and community involvement.  To be successful in anything we have to always address everyone who is involved whether directly or indirectly.  As teachers we can tailor this chart to meet certain ICT criteria.  I personally think the star chart can be utilized in our society.


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