Friday 26 April 2013

Monday 22nd April 2013

Module 3 Activity 1

Roles of the Educator by Emilia Potenza? (Curriculum Adviser)
I started my second module which is module 3 on Monday the 22nd April in a whole day workshop facilitated by our Tutor Mr.  Roos.  We were provided with reading on the seven roles of the teacher.  I enjoyed the reading as it shed light on some of the quality I should possess in the classroom most of which I am familiar with.   I love the subdivision of the various roles we  had to complete. My colleagues and I work  collaboratively on  the seven roles and place our input in an excel document.  The responses of  my colleagues  were very informative and enlightening.   It is great to hear the views of others so you can come to a tentative conclusion.

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