Thursday 11 April 2013

Activity 8

Activity 8 Reflection
The reading on the Church Hill Report on teaching spaces and curriculum delivery was quite useful and beneficial to me. It was said that the arrival of even one computer in the classroom can influence the way students learn and the way the classroom operates.  Making space in the classroom for Computers and other peripherals devices initiates a rethinking process on the part of the teacher which will lead to reevaluating of classroom activities.  Having adequate space in the classroom is very important. Many students need personal space in order to feel that they belong to the classroom and that they can keep their personal belongings safe.
The way you organize your classroom reflects your expectations for student participation and behavior.  Classroom arrangements generally fall on the scale between student-centered and teacher-centered approaches.
The classroom is only one of the places where children learn. And as teachers, we have the opportunity to take advantage of different spaces to spark different kinds of learning.  When planning my lessons I would definitely take into consideration best practices with teaching space, How ICT would influence my methods, assessment etc.

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