Wednesday 1 May 2013

Module 4 Activity 3 B

Module 4 Activity 3 B

Reflection Activity 3B

Group Activity 3B: Integrating the word processor

27th April 2013
This activity included a lesson plan integrating the use of word processor by learners my lesson topic  was changing the appearance of pictures for grade six(6) students were instructed how to Crop, Lighten, Darken,Sharpen, and resizing pictures of animals.  The lesson was great the students participated well, those who understand the concepts were able to supply assistance to those who were experiencing some difficulty.
The activity was very engaging. Students were given a project to complete as a follow up activity students were very interested in this and this help curb the in differences among students since the project catered for individual differences. There were aspects of the excel exercise that took a little longer but eventually I was able to complete.

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