Monday 20 May 2013

Module 3 Activity 7 Reflection

Module 3

Activity 7 Reflection
Sunday 19th May 2013

This activity focus mainly on the utilization of the spreadsheet program to analyze and interpret data with a student named Nicole.  In the information present to the student in this activity Nicole was familiar with vehicle injury and the teacher was able to linked it to what she didn’t know effectively.  Nicole had no prior knowledge or experience with constructing graph using the spread sheet program so she was total dependent on the teacher to construct the graph. Also I had to answer questions based on the lesson and email my results to my tutor. 

I was provided with reading on just in time approached to learning which stipulates that you are  introduce  to tools and skills as and when you need them (just-in-time). I think this is a very good strategy where person would only learn skills that are relevant to them rather than learning a huge number of skills that is not relevant to them. 

The second aspect of this activity we were involved or Participated in an online discussion with our group using the subject heading Handling a big group, or we had to share our ideas about how you would use a spreadsheet on one computer in a classroom, when you have about 40 learners in the class.  I colleagues made very meaningful valuable contribution which I will used to enhance my teaching and Learning situation at my school.

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