Thursday 21 November 2013

Actvity 7

Module 4
Activity 7 Reflection
This activity required us to work collaboratively in terms of group interaction.   We were asked to provide feedback on members of the Group assigned to us by our tutor Mrs Hallowes.  I was assigned to group 4 and my Group 4 members are as follows Chad Grant, Collin James, Kathleen Jeffers and myself Jannis John. It was a great hearing my colleagues’ feedback on my work, and also I made constructive comments on their work.  Even though some of my colleagues was late in submitting their activity for feedback it all came together in the end. We look at peer assessment earlier in the module and this was evident in our activity.  This is a very good activity that should be utilized more in the classroom since it can help improve student’s ability because since they have a say in the learning process.

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