Thursday 14 November 2013

Assignment 2

Module 4

Assignment 2 Reflection
This assignment required me to create five creative formative assessment tools for ICT integration.   The assignment was revamp by our assessor since there were contradictions with the instructions on the blog and in the course material so this caused a delay in the submission of our assignment.
The tools created  address the learner with clear expectations of what is required to succeed also they fulfill a place to record the identity of the students being assessed, a description of what is being assessed, a list of criteria that are being assessed, a place for the level of assessment.  Also at least one aspect of ICT integration and at least one learning objective.  
This assignment was a manageable one for me since I was provided with examples of creating assessment tools both in reading and in activity six. Creating assessment tool is a very critical aspect in education since the main reason why students are assess is to find out what they know, identify areas of strengths and weaknesses.  I will definitely integrate what was learning in this Module to my teaching context. I know God will see me through with this assignment.

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