Saturday 19 October 2013

Module 4

Activity 3 Reflection

This activity contained  a lot of reading material to complete which was very beneficial to me. I learnt some new or additional from the reading.  When I tapped into my previous knowledge regarding my experience with Gardner multiple Intelligence theory, I must confess that I utilize and incorporate some of the intelligences while others are left unattended.  I am most definitely going to t improve in utilization of most these intelligences or get familiar with using all of them since this can help to improve student’s educational outcomes.  Diversity is very essential element in any situation since you have an option you decide what you want to include and exclude. Having a monopoly  with the use one or two of the intelligences  will not give a true reflection since all of the them are most of them are not assessed which means retention level will drop if you are using the same option over and over again.  If this is accomplished or achieved the situation will become monotonous and the interest and motivation will decline significantly. When planning for classroom instruction the teacher must take into consideration the following they way students learn, their ability to think out the box, select appropriate activities, learning theories, learning styles, teaching and assessment methods.  

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