Thursday 24 October 2013

Module 4 

Activity 4A and 4B Reflection

Assessment is a very vital element in the learning process so teachers need to be aware of the different diversity that exists in relation to assessment procedures and methodologies. As teacher we need to be aware of the different learners we encounter on a daily basis, and what suitable methods that can be utilize to integrate Information and Communication and Technology in assessment, or which devices are most suitable for the activities you have to conduct, also we need to be aware of the different skills that will be assess and reasons why we are assessing these skills etc.  Even though the activities constituted a lot of reading the information received provided a meaningful insight to me.  Some of the information was previous knowledge to me while other were new or shed  new light in the way I looked at the information previously.  

I was particularly interested in the aspect which dealt with the theory of multiple intelligence by Gardner. Also the guidelines provided demonstrated to teachers more constructivist methods or approaches of assessment   they can follow for e.g. group assessment, self assessment and peer assessment, summative and formative assessment.  I found the information on the types of peer assessment to be very useful to me. 

The activities comprised of two sections where five(5)  Information and communication Technology standards were compose and a set of assessment guidelines for assessment were develop after which colleagues provide immediate feedback on what we have presented.
With the information gained so far from this module I will definitely put it into practice.

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