Wednesday 16 October 2013

Module 4
Reflection on Activity 2
Student’s assessment procedures have change considerately from more teacher centered assessment methods or approaches to students centered assessment method or approaches.   It is very good to know what my colleagues views are on what we assessed on a daily bases in the classroom in light of what we are doing similarly and differently.  I have found some meaningful ideas that I can utilized in the classroom for better results and achievement on the part of the student.

Based on my colleagues responses it can be clearly seen that the following areas were highlighted frequently by colleagues responses 1. conducting peer assessment, 2. Student’s use of the application of higher order thinking skills, 3. Student’s memorization of facts previously presented to them, 4. The ability to transfer what students know to a different context and situation, 5.students working individually and collectively on given tasks, and 6. students are provided with the opportunity to foster creativity.

There are some areas which I have not assessed for example student’s ability to adequately or effectively manage their time wisely to complete given tasks. If students don’t balance time well this can definitely influence students performance in school so effectively use of time is beneficial to students .

Also students ability to 
demonstrate students appropriate attitudes and value towards their work  I can include this  feature in future assessment practice by indicating how students  attitude and value and perception can deter or hinder  their progress as well how it can be beneficial to their work positively. Positive  attitudes and values since it will definitely improve educational outcome he student  for  while negative values and attitude and perception will produce negative output.

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