Monday 3 June 2013

Activity 10 Reflection

Activity 10 Reflection

Sunday, June 02, 2013

This activity was inclusive of readings on social media and smart workers also my group had to complete a collaborative discussion on the topic (can we be smart workers). The readings completed for activity 10 emphasizes Stages of Workplace learning e.g. Classroom training, E-Learning, Blended Learning, Social Learning and Collaboratively Learning Working which was also subdivided in the top down control and bottom up control.  Looking back at some of the pertinent questions asked it can be clearly demonstrated that individual can be as smart worker  base on current situation confronting them and how they can quickly come up to workable solutions to eradicate the  problem. Some of the quality a smart  worker possess are as follows the ability to recognize that learning is a continuous process when doing your job, also finding quick solutions to performance problems, also happy to share what they know to others and rely on trusted network of friends and colleagues. The benefits of Social media allow us to share and receive information resources and experiences from other expert personnel in the same field or line of work.  It also provides opportunities to discover, connect, communicate, and collaborate with others.I feel proud to say I have definitely moved from where I started in this course.  

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