Sunday 10 March 2013

Activity 3 Reflection

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Activity 3 Reflection

Activity three (3) was a very enjoyable one for me since I have no prior knowledge or experience with Mind Meister Mapping Software before this course.  Our tutor Mr. Roos provided and excellent video to assist us in using the software. Those features that I was unfamiliar with I explore and ensure I knew how to use them adequately.   

After  my exploration with the software I am going to try and effectively, incorporate this  software  to try and  assist  me in  improve the  teaching and  Learning situation in my various classes.    

The collaborative effort by my colleagues was great, individuals  made their valuable contribution to ensure that the activity was completed.   I am very happy to be part of this course to gain exposure and learn new information.  Looking forward to see more new initiatives.  

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