Thursday 14 March 2013

Reflection Activity 4

Activity 4

Thursday 14th March 2013

The readings on both Vygotsky and Dr. Mitra were excellent and would be definitely influence the way we teach our children. I have developed a deeper understanding of spontaneous learning and how students should actively construct their own knowledge. We as teachers have to continually incorporate these strategies in our teaching and learning situation to help our students reach maximum potential.   Even though it is ideal for students to discover and explore what they are learning for them self it does not mean we must sit idly by allow our students to what they want without any guidance.   We have to remember at the end of the day teacher are not the focal point but our students are. 
I am going to definitely allow my students to construct and discover knowledge for themselves and this in turn would assist students to retain more information.
Everyday this course it ICT integration is opening my eyes to different dynamics in the teaching and learning situation this course will allow me to effectively and efficiently integrate in my lesson on a daily basis. Our students are constantly interacting with different ICT tools so we need to encourage them to use them improve their learning achievement.   Finally we as teacher need to get with the program and investigate what devices student are familiar with.   We are teachers and we need know how to use some the devices our own student are using.

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