Monday 11 March 2013

Self Activity 4

Monday 11 March 2013

List of  skills and behaviours students learn prior entering School:

  •  They should have an idea of counting and reciting letters of the Alphabet
  •  Identify  different Colours
  • Compare objects according to size( Big, Small)
  •  Know the names of objects or items in the home.
  • They should know how to sort objects
  • They should have basic hygiene (washing  hands before eating and after using the bathroom)                                                                            
  • They should have good manner ( Saying Good Morning Thank you etc)
  • They should able to tell their names and the names of their parents

 Ways how the child learn these things are as follows:

  • Through Modelling/ Observation ( Parents/ Primary care givers)
  • Through the use of the Internet
  •  Repetition of Letters and Numbers
  • The use of  educational Books( story books etc).
  • Educational videos, CD/DVD / Movies( Deigo, Dora the explorer)
  • Playing and communication  with friends.
  • By using concrete objects

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