Tuesday 26 March 2013

Activity 5 Reflections

After completing the readings on computer literacy and the integrated approach.  It can be seen that computer literacy is often regarded as being able to accomplish certain tasks with the computer however it deals with understanding what it means when we do things with it. Prior to my reading in our society we often look at persons who can use the computer effectively as a computer literate but the reading proved otherwise.  

The integrated approach on the other hand calls for discovery on the part of the learner; ICT plays an essential role in altering the learning process so teachers have to continually reexamine the learning process and try to integrate the strategies that make our students the focal point in the teaching and learning situation. These readings definitely allow me to ponder on the strategies I use previously and what I should use now.  I am going to try and influence my colleagues in utilizing some of these strategies in their teaching and provide some additional support when they need it.  It is said that knowledge is dynamic and static so we must not stick in our old ways otherwise we will be left behind, since technology is changing at a rapid rate we need to constantly update our self.

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