Tuesday 9 December 2014

Module 6 Reflection

Module 6

Module 6 Reflection

This was a very informative and beneficial one to me. I gained new knowledge and experiences from this module.  Introducing projects in the 21st century classroom is a very good initiative that has a lot of benefits to students since they will be actively involved in the learning process and constructing their own knowledge on a variety of topics. Projects shows a clearly picture of what students learn rather than completing an end of term test. Also with projects students strengths and weakness are highlighted.

Some aspects of this module was a bit challenging for me since I had no previous knowledge in particular web quest. I completed reading provided by course and also additional reading to get a clearer understanding of the different steps involve to create a webquest. This was a really great module.

Module 6 Assignment 2 Reflection

Module 6

Module 6 Assignment 2 Reflection

At first glance the Assignment looked relatively easy but proved to be bit challenging for me. I have getting trouble finding and effective way to start my web quest and everything fell in place.  
I manage to complete my draft and final submission in due time, however I did not submit it in the assignment template so I had to redo and resubmit with the template.
I worked tirelessly on my Web quest and I hope in the end it was worth it.

Module 6 Activity 12 Reflection

Module 6

Module 6 Activity 12 Reflection

Activity 12 Learner Support Documents

This activity was hinged on my learner support document for my Web quest on substance abuse to assist students with understanding concepts and other terms related to Substance Abuse. I created two worded documents. The first document provided information on nicknames for the substances being abuse; also it identified some short term effect of using the drug.

Students would play a game who wants to be millionaire after completing questions to win the prize. The second document dealt with effects and treatment of Marijuana, Heroine, Tobacco, Alcohol and Cocaine Abuse. This will definitely assist students in forming their own judgments after all the information they have read.

Module 6 Activity 11 Reflection

Module 6

Activity 11: The Project Process

Identifying the process for the Web quest was a bit rough for me I was looking for the best way to get students attention. Also I was looking for how I can link students learning to their everyday situations and experiences.    
I also provided opportunities for students to think critically and creatively.  The process is like the body it set the stage and prepares you for the next step.

Module 6 Activity 10 Reflection

Module 6

Module 6 Activity 10 Reflection

Activity 10 Resources

This activity required me to locate suitable online websites resources to assist in supporting topic Substance abuse for the web quest. It was a bit time consuming to locate the relevant websites to support the topic but in the end I manage to get some great ones.

When suitable resources are provided students will not waste any more time trying to find good resources even though they have to scan the resources and evaluate them before they use them. I enjoyed locating suitable resources for the students.

Monday 8 December 2014

Module 6 Activity 9 Reflection

Module 6
Module 6 Activity 9 Reflection

This activity focused on Analyzing group roles in relation to  searching for china  or  Destination  China it also look  at the
In each case notes on what extent the roles bring different perspectives to the issue for e.g. business Investor, museum curator, Religious Leader, Human Rights Activist, Environmental Activist, Environment Activist and United States  Senator.  

This activity also looked at how the roles keep group members actively engaged at all times. Last but not least to what extent the group members are mutually dependent on each other. Also we were asked to create group roles for our  web quest.  I created the following group roles and write a brief description on the following roles Cocaine Expert, Marijuana Expert, Tobacco Expert, Alcohol Expert and Heroine Expert other Additional includes Psychologist, Social Worker, Substance abuse researcher, Detoxification Specialist.

We had to Share our roles sending an email to our group. Give the email the subject line: Group roles.  We were also told to comment on other group members.
In my opinion when student interact with web quest they develop more critical and analytical skills. Completing the roles make each group member responsible and accountable for the tasks assign to them in order to make the final work a success.   
Collaboration is a key element in order to get the project complete. Students will decide what to include, exclude, how to arrange the project that will explain or present what aspect.  In order to get a captivating web quest it must be linked to issues or experiences confronting the students.
This is students centered tool that can be utilize in the classroom to produce more independent learners hence raising the educational level of our society. This activity took me some time to complete because I was carefully selecting the different roles.

Saturday 6 December 2014

Activity 8 b: An engaging scenario reflection

Module 6 Activity 8 Reflection

Activity 8 b: An engaging Scenario Reflection

This activity required the utilization of new skills on my part in relation to creating an engaging scenario. At first completing the scenario was a bit complicated and time consuming but I eventually got it. 

The experience gained from the completion of this activity was a rewarding and fruitful one. I will definitely try as much as possible to incorporate web quest scenario in my classroom situation even though I have to do additional reading to get clarification on uncertain aspects.

Friday 5 December 2014

Module 6 Activity 7 Reflection

Module 6

Module 6 Activity 7 Reflection

This activity assisted me acquiring new knowledge about Web quests. Now what are Web Quests really? Basically webquests are inquiry-oriented lesson format in which majority or all the information that learners interact with is based on the web.  The parts of a web quest are as follows introduction scenario, tasks, process, resources, assessment and conclusion.

Some advantages of Web quests it stimulate learners imagination, also it encourages readers to interface with internet based information.  Web quests accommodate students different learning needs whether individually or as a group.  

Some disadvantages of web quest includes sometimes some of the links to information are not functional also Creating Web Quest can be time consuming. Also the content level sometimes can be higher than the students’ level so careful selection is key.

When I evaluated the web quest assign in my opinion my best  two  Web Quests for Grade 3 -4 are as follows “A stitch in time” and “Our Sun Sational Star”and take on the role of the Efficiency Expert . 
Finally I build on my previous knowledge with evaluating websites.
This was a great activity that assisted me with the completion of my assignment two.

Sunday 30 November 2014

Module 6

Module 6 Assignment 1 Reflection

Assignment 1 consisted of various sections from the Action Plan from the Intel Elements Project Based Approaches course I am currently working on.  This assignment required us to copy and pastes the relevant sections of the Action Plan into the Assignment template provided by the teacher.

I also  stated clear and achievable goals for myself and they had to be related to the future use of project in the classroom.  I also identify at least one challenge faced with project approaches and suggested at least one manageable solution.  
It also looked at  ways  learning in the classroom can be made student­-centred.  

Also I had to have a precise project idea  and  identify 21st century skills
The project also comprised of achievable learning objective related to 21st Century skill development.
Finally The curriculum framing questions were included which contains all three types of questions and they are as follows: essential question, unit question(s), and content question(s).

This assignment was a bit challenging and time consuming however I manage to send off my assignment and draft  in due time.  I work tirelessly on this project so am looking for my hard work   to pay off in Jesus name. This module is great even though I feel a bit lost at times. 

Module 6 Activity 6 Reflection

Module 6

Module 6 Activity 6 Reflection

In this Activity the key ingredient is how I can better engaged my learners in the project process by Identify possible assessment strategies that can be utilized in project and to identify the key areas you will be assessing.  Also Identify more student-centered activities by brainstorming and understanding the project process. Finally this activity prove the opportunities to deepen my understanding of the project planning cycle.

With t careful and effective planning with the organization of the project students will be able to complete project more competently.
This activity allows me to revamp the way I conduct project based assessment in the classroom. 

Module 6 Activity 5 Reflection

 Module 6

Module 6 Activity 5 Reflection

This activity dealt with curriculum framing questions I chose  the science  project  how animals  move also learning objectives were outline, as well as a  Essential Question, Unit question and Content questions which are listed below:

Essential Question
Can you imagine the world if animals were unable to move?
Unit Question:
Can you determine what causes some animals to move quickly or slowly than others?

Content Questions:
1. What is Movement?
2. What parts of the body allow the different animals to move?

This was an excellent activity that assisted me in  the completion of my assignment 1.

Module 6 Activity 4 Reflection

Module 6

Module 6 Activity 4 Reflection

In this activity required us to connect to the internet and complete an online questionnaire which require me to type my name your name, project idea topic, subject and grade. 

After the completion of the details I was directed to a spreadsheet document which allowed me to view what my other colleagues were doing.   At the completion of the activity I was able to Link the project idea with curriculum outcomes Identify 21st Century skills to develop during the project

I can truly say I really enjoyed doing this activity.  I took away great deal of unknown or new information by simply completing it I think I will definitely revisit the information provided for this activity so I can utilize it in my everyday teaching situation or environment. 


Monday 17 November 2014

Module 6 Activity 3 Reflection

Module 6

Module 6 Activity 3 Reflection

This activity was hinged on two key questions and they are as follows.

1.   What are the characteristics of an effective project?
·      Project should  be student centered
·      Projects should provide opportunities for Students to work   collaboratively.
·      Projects should be directly link  to real life experiences.
·      Projects should develop or promote  21st century skills.
·      Projects should  provide opportunities for continuous Assessment.
·      Project allows to reflect on their work.

2. What project topic will best suit my curriculum needs?

Additionally  the activity zoomed in on how roles can change in your classroom as a result of project also understanding the structure of a project.  Also possible student project products were identified

Finally I Identify a project science topic  how animals move for grade one and discover  ways or means  how I can improved that the project.

Thursday 13 November 2014

Module 6 Activity 2 Reflection

Module 6

Module 6 Activity 2 Reflection

In this activity the Major focus was exploring the Question
What are the benefits of project-based learning for my learners and myself.
It also zeroed in on the following
  1. A description  of the benefits of project-based learning
  2. Explaining how project-based learning can help particular learners with different learning traits
  3. list the challenges of project-based learning in my own context
4.     Self-assess your teaching style.

Finally I had to follow directions and complete the Action Plan Activity questions in my Action Plan document. I really enjoyed completing this activity.

Tuesday 14 October 2014

Module 6 Activity 1 Reflection

    Module 6

   Module 6 Activity 1 Reflection

     My experience with project have been a challenging but rewarding experience.
     This activity focused on an online group discussion called Benefits of project-based learning in which the benefits for project-based learning in teaching was discuss among myself and my colleagues. Some or the points mentioned was identical while others were  diverse.
   Some of the benefits  Shared by colleagues for project Based Learning are as follows:
    1.    Projects support integration across the curriculum.
     2.     Project Promotes collaboration and the development of social skills.     
     3.    Project Increased students independence

    4.    Project Based Learning engages all students regardless of their learning styles.
   5.    Project Based Learning focuses on teaching students’ knowledge and skills based on concepts related the curriculum. 

   6. Project Based Learning engage students to ask questions, and use resources available to come up with solutions.
     This was a great activity the views shared were excellent.

Friday 19 September 2014

Module 8 Assignment 3 Reflection

Module 8

Module 8 Assignment 3 Reflection

This assignment was a bit rough but I manage to complete my assignment draft and my final assignment in good time and submit it in the nick of time despite the fact I was not feeling to well.  

The assignment was manageable but I did not have adequate time to work on it as much as I wanted to due to the fact I was engaged other engagements. 

I prayed it was completed based on the guidelines provided by tutor.  Also I hope that I included key elements the assessor is looking for and that would be successful when all is said and done.  

Thursday 18 September 2014

Module 8 Activity 10 Reflection

Module 8

Module 8 Activity 10 Reflection

I felt really delighted in completing  this activity  due to the fact that this  particular  concept was a new one to me though some of  information was already known to me previously. The reading for this activity was self explanatory and interesting I just felt the urge to continually read and find out more out more about this classroom.
Even flipped classroom can be timed consuming it can bring a lot of advantages to the classroom both to the student, teacher and by extension parents since their  primary role change from just checking homework to assisting  their  children with their various subject matters in the classroom setting in the form of  videos.
I will try my best to see which aspects of this classroom I can successfully integrate into my lessons. If For this classroom to work the teacher have to do a lot of planning and mobilizing need to be carry out in particular the school, parents and most of all the students who will be solely responsible for making this classroom a reality.

I really enjoyed completing this activity.

Saturday 13 September 2014

Module 8 Activity 9 Reflection

Module 8

Module 8 Activity 9 Reflection

Cell phones have seen widespread use in St. Vincent and the Grenadines especially in the last 10 yrs  initially Cell phones were the rich and famous now almost everyone has a cell phones.  The phones previous were used to send and receive call, little game etc. Today cell phones have move from that place until they are regarded to smart phones where they have apps that can be found on a computer. Students use these phone to communicate with friends through the social networks, email, messenger because cell phones are readily available to students it is very easy for teachers to integrate this device in their lessons.

Three advantages of cell phones in the classroom includes
1.  They make communication faster.
2.   Students become more stimulated and engaged
3.  Learning will extend outside the classroom through social networks.
While some of three advantages of cell phones in the classroom  includes
1.  Disruption of classes
2.  Students may get sidetrack with the task at hand.
3.  Teacher need to monitor student carefully because may view inappropriate content.

If teachers plan effectively to include cell phones in the classroom it can definitely improve the teaching and learning situation and improve students educational output. Teachers have to be on board with the use of these new devices that are available to enhance learning  in the classroom and to make the environment more students centered.
This activity was an interesting one since new light was shed on cell phones in the classroom.

Module 8 Activity 8 Reflection

Module 8

Module 8 Activity 8 Reflection

AS our students are exposed to the various Information and communication devices it is of pivotal importance that the dangers of online surfing be establish this activity was really an eye opener for me as a classroom teacher.  I as backtrack on lesson of cyber bullying and child safety I remember distinctly   how the students were engage they came up with some dangers and possible solutions that can assist them how to be safe when they go online.   

E-safety policies are beneficial to teachers, students and by extension the parents.

Some common E-safety policies are as follows

. Don’t give out personal information e.g. age, address, telephone numbers.

. Students should have specified their search on the internet.

. Students should be monitored or supervise by parents teachers and guardians while on the internet.

This activity rekindled my secondary school years with the utilization of the internet to conduct research when we were restricted or prevent from doing certain things on the internet.































Module 8 Assignment 2 Reflection

Module 8
Module 8 Assignment 2 Reflection

As I reflect on assignment two the road was a bit challenging. It was also a bit time consuming I had to reread assignment on numerous occasions to get what this assignment required of me. I manage to complete my draft and sent it.  My tutor provided me with the necessary guidelines which I took into consideration when making my amendments. I also gained new knowledge with the use of the PowerPoint program I had no previous knowledge with the feature record narration but was able to maneuver it. I thank God for coming through for me with this assignment.  

Module 8 Activity 7 Reflection

Module 8 Activity 7 Reflection

Activity 7A The readings provided on Information and communication technology integration (tablet) into the classroom was very insightful. My horizon with broaden or enhance with some on the information provided.  As a requirement of this activity I conduct an online group discussion based on your reading and reflection in the self-activity.  My colleagues and I also share our conclusion on the reading and stated whether they support or oppose the views mentioned.

Activity 7B zeroed in on Guidelines for managing tablets where my colleagues and I were engaged in a group discussion under the following heading what differentiate tablets from other learning technologies as well as the five most pivotal tips for a teacher using a tablet learning environment.

I really enjoy completing this activity I took away new knowledge as a result of this activity. I think a one tablet initiative could have substituted for the one netbook initiative. I definitely think that the integration of tablet in the classroom is the way forward.

Module 8 Activity 6 Reflection

Module 8

Module 8 Activity 6 Reflection

This activity was a very fruitful one.   The readings provide extensive information on this topic that can be very useful to teachers. For the activity my colleagues and I conducted  an online group discussion  that identified the pros and cons of one-to-one learning under the title  Pros and cons of one-to-one learning after which the main points will be place on the one to one learning page on the wiki. There are many pros that can be derived from one to one learning and they are as follows Students become more actively involved in the learning process. Students’ motivation level will increase, and students will be able to learn at the own pace in relation to classroom activity. 
 Some of the cons can be derived from a one to one learning includes It can be time consuming, students   may divert from the tasks at hand if student are not carefully supervise,
Teachers have to be trained to effectively integrate the devices into the lessons and finally it is expensive to introduce and maintained

In Activity 6B the following questions were debated and they are as follows 5 most important tips for a teacher teaching in a one-to-one learning environment? And what is the strongest feature of One to one learning. My colleagues and I completed a follow up discussion by collaboratively writing significant guidelines for the one to one learning on the wiki page one to one learning guidelines. 

I will try my best to utilize experience and I ideas what I gathered from this activity and integrated in my classroom. 

Thursday 4 September 2014

Module 8 Activity 5

Module 8

Module 8 Activity 5

The reading provided for this activity was very beneficial and time consuming. This activity comprised of three sections,  section a was a self activity  I observe  video extracts from classrooms in which one of these shows the use of an interactive whiteboard, while others videos  use other configurations of ICT. I also participated in an online discussion with my group on discussion forum is called “Interactivity". I was also required to compare my observations of interactivity in the videos and the conclusions that I have drawn from the self-activity the major focus was on interactivity alone.
Activity 5 B required me to participate in an online discussion with my group in the discussion forum is called The Interactive Whiteboard Board .
Based on my readings, I had to extract the most powerful conclusions about interactive whiteboards and I select eight (8) principles to consider before for the use of the interactive whiteboard that I share with your group.  Finally 5c require the updating of the wiki where I viewed and edit the page called wiki that is entitled Interactive whiteboard.
 I worked collaboratively identify the classroom management strategies and procedures that would facilitate effective learning with interactive whiteboards. Also I suggested practical measures for effectively managing the classroom and learning. 

This activity was a very exciting one to me that shed light on the topic Interactive whiteboard that I was not aware of previously.  I am looking forward for the next activity.

Friday 22 August 2014

Module 8 Assignment 1 Reflection

Module 8
 Module 8 Assignment 1 Reflection  

For this assignment we were asked to justify whether you would prefer to spend a school ICT budget on placing computers in a lab, a learning lab or one in each classroom.
In your opening paragraph state your preference ie Computer Lab or One Computer Classroom and in five paragraphs supporting reasons for your selection.

Also possible challenge that you may face with regard to classroom management were also highlighted and how In the final paragraph Finally strategies of how each challenge eradicated or lessened.

Finally both an advantage and a limitation of your planned implementation are mentioned. Even though this assignment appears to be simple on the first appearance it posed some difficulty to me.  

Module 8

Module 8 Activity 4 - The one Computer Classroom
As a requirement for this module one computer classroom was the focal point of this activity. The reading on this activity was very interesting. The information provided by Group 1 was very informative and up to date an excellent job was done with the presentation of the content.

Before this module I would have selected to invest into a  computer lab over a one computer classroom but know I am exposed to the diverse readings, information and experiences on the one computer classroom,   I am aware of the benefits that can occur as result of exposure of this one computer classroom my view point have changed significantly. One computer classroom allows teachers to integrate across the curriculum, it also provide opportunities for students and teacher to communicate between classes. 

The teacher can utilize a projected screen to display information to the whole class for e.g Power point Presentation.  The one computer can be use as a form of remediation to students who cannot grasps concepts and require additional  practice . The teacher can also set up learning centers in various sections of the classroom to curbs the issues of lack of computer by engaging all the student in other group related activities relevant to their group projects, class work, quizzes. I really enjoyed completing this activity.