Friday 22 August 2014

Module 8

Module 8 Activity 4 - The one Computer Classroom
As a requirement for this module one computer classroom was the focal point of this activity. The reading on this activity was very interesting. The information provided by Group 1 was very informative and up to date an excellent job was done with the presentation of the content.

Before this module I would have selected to invest into a  computer lab over a one computer classroom but know I am exposed to the diverse readings, information and experiences on the one computer classroom,   I am aware of the benefits that can occur as result of exposure of this one computer classroom my view point have changed significantly. One computer classroom allows teachers to integrate across the curriculum, it also provide opportunities for students and teacher to communicate between classes. 

The teacher can utilize a projected screen to display information to the whole class for e.g Power point Presentation.  The one computer can be use as a form of remediation to students who cannot grasps concepts and require additional  practice . The teacher can also set up learning centers in various sections of the classroom to curbs the issues of lack of computer by engaging all the student in other group related activities relevant to their group projects, class work, quizzes. I really enjoyed completing this activity. 

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