Tuesday 12 August 2014

Module 8 Activity 3 Reflection

Module 8

Module 8 Activity Reflection3  Pros and  Cons of High Density Computer Lab

As a requirement for this activity my colleagues and I were asked to discuss the pros and cons of a high density lab. The readings provided for this activity were very informative. In the past the government of St. Vincent and the Grenadines, placed heavy emphasis on high density labs in our secondary system their main purposes were for the teaching of Information Technology lessons and project purposes, rather than integrating Information and Communication Technology across the school curriculum or the different subject areas.
The rapid development with technology have reduce desktops computer to devices in the past since blackberry and Samsung cell phones, laptops, net book, PDA, Palmtops, kindle fire, tablets etc have taken over the modernized and technological world.
As a teacher I applauded the Government of St. Vincent and the Grenadines for embarking on the one net book per child initiative which have definitely improve our teaching and learning situation.  In discussion with my colleagues some significant points were mentioned and some of the points were similar while others were a bit different. Some of the benefits that can be derived from such labs include students working independently or with a peer on computers to complete tasks. Also students are motivated to learn, they will retain more information since they are actively involved in the learning process.
Some of the ideas or cons mentioned by colleagues are careful monitoring of students is required to prevent them from viewing inappropriate websites, content, and ensure students or tasks.  These labs are expensive to configure and maintaining. If teacher don’t plan effectively completing tasks could be time consuming. Also the arrangement of computer stay in one location preventing the utilization of some Teaching strategies.

In conclusion this activity reactivated my days in Information Technology classes and as student I was really excited and motivated to go to IT classes and wished I was granted the  opportunity to go every day.

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