Saturday 2 August 2014

Module 8: Activity 1(one) Reflection on Principles of Classroom Management

Module 8: 
Activity 1(one) Reflection on Principles of Classroom Management

The reading provided for this activity was very useful and beneficial to me.  I was familiar with some aspects of the content areas provided. Activity 1a zeroed in on principles of good classroom management where I was required to edited relevant points on the page created. The experience with wiki spaces was particularly new one to me I have no prior knowledge with the software so I had to create a teacher account I am presently still in the process of discovering and exploring with that software. This software also allowed me to edit pages etc.

Activity 1b focused on a group online discussion with the heading classroom experiences with ICT Integration I shared my experiences with ICT Integration and revamp principles where applicable, I also share ideas of good measures that can be employed to effectively manage classroom with the ICT integration in the classroom which I was willing to share and I was particularly curious to hear about my colleagues experiences.  In fact some of the experiences were similar while others were of a different nature.

Finally Activity 1c required me to utilize wiki View and edit the page in the wiki that is titled Classroom Management with ICT Integration, and to edit and save the current page.
This  activity was a very interesting one and I took away  new ideas and knowledge  that were  unfamiliar with previously.

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