Monday 11 August 2014

Module 8 Activity 2 Reflection

Module 8

Module 8 Activity 2 Reflection

This activity consisted of two sections namely Section A and B.
Section A required me to use group wiki and share my understanding of new terminologies or concepts that emerged from the reading for the activity in the glossy. We save our changes from the exercise.    At first I was experiencing some problems with wiki group but I am able to manipulate it.
Section B   involved a group discussion which zeroed in on the pros and cons of ICT-enabled classrooms. Initially when I started integrated ICT into my lessons I encountered problems until I got more experience and training. The training received from this module so far have been a great and rewarding experience, For ICT integrated lesson to be effective careful planning is required and all the dimensions of teaching and learning need to be taken into consideration.   
As the teacher I often layout the ground rules or what is expected of my students.  Some of the advantages I observed in my ICT classroom are as follows students are motivated to learn and are more engaged, students retention level of the content increases, it also cater for  students learning abilities and learning styles.

Some disadvantages of ICT enabled lessons are technical failure can arise so teachers need to be adequate train to help eradicate or carryout simple troubleshooting skills, it is also time consuming exercise.   All teachers should use ICT  integrated lessons for the 21st century or they will be left behind  in this global technological age. I am  really enjoying this module since I am really enjoying this module. 

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