Saturday 13 September 2014

Module 8 Activity 7 Reflection

Module 8 Activity 7 Reflection

Activity 7A The readings provided on Information and communication technology integration (tablet) into the classroom was very insightful. My horizon with broaden or enhance with some on the information provided.  As a requirement of this activity I conduct an online group discussion based on your reading and reflection in the self-activity.  My colleagues and I also share our conclusion on the reading and stated whether they support or oppose the views mentioned.

Activity 7B zeroed in on Guidelines for managing tablets where my colleagues and I were engaged in a group discussion under the following heading what differentiate tablets from other learning technologies as well as the five most pivotal tips for a teacher using a tablet learning environment.

I really enjoy completing this activity I took away new knowledge as a result of this activity. I think a one tablet initiative could have substituted for the one netbook initiative. I definitely think that the integration of tablet in the classroom is the way forward.

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