Saturday 13 September 2014

Module 8 Activity 8 Reflection

Module 8

Module 8 Activity 8 Reflection

AS our students are exposed to the various Information and communication devices it is of pivotal importance that the dangers of online surfing be establish this activity was really an eye opener for me as a classroom teacher.  I as backtrack on lesson of cyber bullying and child safety I remember distinctly   how the students were engage they came up with some dangers and possible solutions that can assist them how to be safe when they go online.   

E-safety policies are beneficial to teachers, students and by extension the parents.

Some common E-safety policies are as follows

. Don’t give out personal information e.g. age, address, telephone numbers.

. Students should have specified their search on the internet.

. Students should be monitored or supervise by parents teachers and guardians while on the internet.

This activity rekindled my secondary school years with the utilization of the internet to conduct research when we were restricted or prevent from doing certain things on the internet.































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