Friday 5 December 2014

Module 6 Activity 7 Reflection

Module 6

Module 6 Activity 7 Reflection

This activity assisted me acquiring new knowledge about Web quests. Now what are Web Quests really? Basically webquests are inquiry-oriented lesson format in which majority or all the information that learners interact with is based on the web.  The parts of a web quest are as follows introduction scenario, tasks, process, resources, assessment and conclusion.

Some advantages of Web quests it stimulate learners imagination, also it encourages readers to interface with internet based information.  Web quests accommodate students different learning needs whether individually or as a group.  

Some disadvantages of web quest includes sometimes some of the links to information are not functional also Creating Web Quest can be time consuming. Also the content level sometimes can be higher than the students’ level so careful selection is key.

When I evaluated the web quest assign in my opinion my best  two  Web Quests for Grade 3 -4 are as follows “A stitch in time” and “Our Sun Sational Star”and take on the role of the Efficiency Expert . 
Finally I build on my previous knowledge with evaluating websites.
This was a great activity that assisted me with the completion of my assignment two.

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