Saturday 30 March 2013

Activity 6 Reflection

Activity 6 Reflection

The reading produce by Mr. Wheeler was a very useful to me it generally focus on the role of teachers play as a facilitator or a guide in the learning process.  According to the reading teachers will need to adapt to change in order to survive and keep update with the new methods and technologies.  
Teachers have to look for different means and ways how to integrate technology effectively and efficiently. Since our roles have change and we are no longer the distributor of knowledge, and students are responsible for discovering and construction knowledge. Opportunities should be provided for students to collaborate with teacher and fellow classmates.
I am fascinated to hear about the school in Minnesota where students and teachers enjoy the facility to share information anywhere in the school through the use of television monitors. Also the idea where 10yr olds communicated with each from different countries through the use of email, even though this needs constant monitoring it is an excellent idea.   The reading provides me with some tips I can use to improve my teaching and learning situation.

Assignment 1Reflection  

This assignment was a bit of a challenge to me at the beginning; it forced me to tap my prior knowledge in order to complete it, though at times I was not sure of how to do certain aspects, in the long run it paid off.

Tuesday 26 March 2013

Activity 5 Reflections

After completing the readings on computer literacy and the integrated approach.  It can be seen that computer literacy is often regarded as being able to accomplish certain tasks with the computer however it deals with understanding what it means when we do things with it. Prior to my reading in our society we often look at persons who can use the computer effectively as a computer literate but the reading proved otherwise.  

The integrated approach on the other hand calls for discovery on the part of the learner; ICT plays an essential role in altering the learning process so teachers have to continually reexamine the learning process and try to integrate the strategies that make our students the focal point in the teaching and learning situation. These readings definitely allow me to ponder on the strategies I use previously and what I should use now.  I am going to try and influence my colleagues in utilizing some of these strategies in their teaching and provide some additional support when they need it.  It is said that knowledge is dynamic and static so we must not stick in our old ways otherwise we will be left behind, since technology is changing at a rapid rate we need to constantly update our self.

Thursday 14 March 2013

Reflection Activity 4

Activity 4

Thursday 14th March 2013

The readings on both Vygotsky and Dr. Mitra were excellent and would be definitely influence the way we teach our children. I have developed a deeper understanding of spontaneous learning and how students should actively construct their own knowledge. We as teachers have to continually incorporate these strategies in our teaching and learning situation to help our students reach maximum potential.   Even though it is ideal for students to discover and explore what they are learning for them self it does not mean we must sit idly by allow our students to what they want without any guidance.   We have to remember at the end of the day teacher are not the focal point but our students are. 
I am going to definitely allow my students to construct and discover knowledge for themselves and this in turn would assist students to retain more information.
Everyday this course it ICT integration is opening my eyes to different dynamics in the teaching and learning situation this course will allow me to effectively and efficiently integrate in my lesson on a daily basis. Our students are constantly interacting with different ICT tools so we need to encourage them to use them improve their learning achievement.   Finally we as teacher need to get with the program and investigate what devices student are familiar with.   We are teachers and we need know how to use some the devices our own student are using.

Monday 11 March 2013

Self Activity 4

Monday 11 March 2013

List of  skills and behaviours students learn prior entering School:

  •  They should have an idea of counting and reciting letters of the Alphabet
  •  Identify  different Colours
  • Compare objects according to size( Big, Small)
  •  Know the names of objects or items in the home.
  • They should know how to sort objects
  • They should have basic hygiene (washing  hands before eating and after using the bathroom)                                                                            
  • They should have good manner ( Saying Good Morning Thank you etc)
  • They should able to tell their names and the names of their parents

 Ways how the child learn these things are as follows:

  • Through Modelling/ Observation ( Parents/ Primary care givers)
  • Through the use of the Internet
  •  Repetition of Letters and Numbers
  • The use of  educational Books( story books etc).
  • Educational videos, CD/DVD / Movies( Deigo, Dora the explorer)
  • Playing and communication  with friends.
  • By using concrete objects

Sunday 10 March 2013

Activity 3 Reflection

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Activity 3 Reflection

Activity three (3) was a very enjoyable one for me since I have no prior knowledge or experience with Mind Meister Mapping Software before this course.  Our tutor Mr. Roos provided and excellent video to assist us in using the software. Those features that I was unfamiliar with I explore and ensure I knew how to use them adequately.   

After  my exploration with the software I am going to try and effectively, incorporate this  software  to try and  assist  me in  improve the  teaching and  Learning situation in my various classes.    

The collaborative effort by my colleagues was great, individuals  made their valuable contribution to ensure that the activity was completed.   I am very happy to be part of this course to gain exposure and learn new information.  Looking forward to see more new initiatives.  

Friday 8 March 2013

Activity 2

6th March 2013 Discussion

Activity 2

The reading was an informative one. I’ve learnt about the differences in perception and attitudes towards ICT.  It really has to do with you as an individual and your ability to comprehend and develop skills in the implementation of ICT.

It was establish that positive attitudes towards ICT depended on the history of the teacher and their experiences of ICT training in school, this statement I totally agree with since I was under the impression that the older teachers feared technology and left it for the younger teacher who they think would manipulate the ICT devices better than themselves. This is very far from the truth since no one is too old to learn.   Once the right mechanisms are in place to help facilitate the entire process both young and old teacher would be on board.  

Reflection on Activity 2: Two Generations of Teachers Differences In Attitudes towards  ICT

Today I have completed my reading on Two Generations of Teachers Differences in Attitudes towards.   The introduction of Information and Communication Technology has brought about  changes in both the teachers and students in terms of their understanding, skills, knowledge and attitudes.

It was highlighted that in spite of age, positive attitudes towards ICT integration is relied on personal history, teacher personal experience of teachers. I learnt that information is not static so when we attend training seminars we must take the information back to our schools immediately and educate others so the steps to will be gradually rather than in totality.  Together we stand divided we fall.  When we all work together we accomplish greater things. 

This Course is opening my eyes wider everyday and the discussions touch on points I did not even t note of. I am very happy to be a part of this juncture.

This article hels me reevaluate my perspective on why persons don’t embrace ICT integration.

Monday 4 March 2013

Activity 1 Reflection

Activity 1

The topic can a developing nation compete with develop nations in terms of ICT Integration generated alot of discussion and brought out points I was not  aware of . This topic was quite motivating and I am looking forwards to the others.

Sunday 3 March 2013

Activity 1

Sunday 3rd March 2013

ICT Integration at The Belair Government School (BGS)

It can be clearly demonstrated that there is some level of integration taking place in the school but all is not well. 

The students are taught Basic Information Technology from Grade K – 6 by the IT Teacher.  Students are provided with the basic skills and knowledge needed for the operation of the computer.
Students use the various applications on the net books to complete given tasks e.g. office calculator, writer, impress etc.

The schools is equip with a computer lab which contains 6 Hp Computers, 2 laptops, Projector, Printers etc. The computers there are used by teachers to help in the delivery of some of their lessons.

Only the students from grade 3-6 are recipient of the government initiative one netbook per child. The students have access to wireless internet on a daily basis where they can research or do their homework if they have no access at home.  The problem comes when we are using the net books and some of the Net books are not working or chargers have a fault. Then they have to work into groups and some students don’t want to share.

Some teachers try integrate ICT into one or two of their lessons per week due to the fact of unavailability of some resources and some teacher don’t have all the training to integrate ICT effectively in the classroom.

Finally I believe with appropriate planning and implementation strategies of ICT integration students and Teachers at the Belair Government School will benefit tremendously.