Friday 19 September 2014

Module 8 Assignment 3 Reflection

Module 8

Module 8 Assignment 3 Reflection

This assignment was a bit rough but I manage to complete my assignment draft and my final assignment in good time and submit it in the nick of time despite the fact I was not feeling to well.  

The assignment was manageable but I did not have adequate time to work on it as much as I wanted to due to the fact I was engaged other engagements. 

I prayed it was completed based on the guidelines provided by tutor.  Also I hope that I included key elements the assessor is looking for and that would be successful when all is said and done.  

Thursday 18 September 2014

Module 8 Activity 10 Reflection

Module 8

Module 8 Activity 10 Reflection

I felt really delighted in completing  this activity  due to the fact that this  particular  concept was a new one to me though some of  information was already known to me previously. The reading for this activity was self explanatory and interesting I just felt the urge to continually read and find out more out more about this classroom.
Even flipped classroom can be timed consuming it can bring a lot of advantages to the classroom both to the student, teacher and by extension parents since their  primary role change from just checking homework to assisting  their  children with their various subject matters in the classroom setting in the form of  videos.
I will try my best to see which aspects of this classroom I can successfully integrate into my lessons. If For this classroom to work the teacher have to do a lot of planning and mobilizing need to be carry out in particular the school, parents and most of all the students who will be solely responsible for making this classroom a reality.

I really enjoyed completing this activity.

Saturday 13 September 2014

Module 8 Activity 9 Reflection

Module 8

Module 8 Activity 9 Reflection

Cell phones have seen widespread use in St. Vincent and the Grenadines especially in the last 10 yrs  initially Cell phones were the rich and famous now almost everyone has a cell phones.  The phones previous were used to send and receive call, little game etc. Today cell phones have move from that place until they are regarded to smart phones where they have apps that can be found on a computer. Students use these phone to communicate with friends through the social networks, email, messenger because cell phones are readily available to students it is very easy for teachers to integrate this device in their lessons.

Three advantages of cell phones in the classroom includes
1.  They make communication faster.
2.   Students become more stimulated and engaged
3.  Learning will extend outside the classroom through social networks.
While some of three advantages of cell phones in the classroom  includes
1.  Disruption of classes
2.  Students may get sidetrack with the task at hand.
3.  Teacher need to monitor student carefully because may view inappropriate content.

If teachers plan effectively to include cell phones in the classroom it can definitely improve the teaching and learning situation and improve students educational output. Teachers have to be on board with the use of these new devices that are available to enhance learning  in the classroom and to make the environment more students centered.
This activity was an interesting one since new light was shed on cell phones in the classroom.

Module 8 Activity 8 Reflection

Module 8

Module 8 Activity 8 Reflection

AS our students are exposed to the various Information and communication devices it is of pivotal importance that the dangers of online surfing be establish this activity was really an eye opener for me as a classroom teacher.  I as backtrack on lesson of cyber bullying and child safety I remember distinctly   how the students were engage they came up with some dangers and possible solutions that can assist them how to be safe when they go online.   

E-safety policies are beneficial to teachers, students and by extension the parents.

Some common E-safety policies are as follows

. Don’t give out personal information e.g. age, address, telephone numbers.

. Students should have specified their search on the internet.

. Students should be monitored or supervise by parents teachers and guardians while on the internet.

This activity rekindled my secondary school years with the utilization of the internet to conduct research when we were restricted or prevent from doing certain things on the internet.































Module 8 Assignment 2 Reflection

Module 8
Module 8 Assignment 2 Reflection

As I reflect on assignment two the road was a bit challenging. It was also a bit time consuming I had to reread assignment on numerous occasions to get what this assignment required of me. I manage to complete my draft and sent it.  My tutor provided me with the necessary guidelines which I took into consideration when making my amendments. I also gained new knowledge with the use of the PowerPoint program I had no previous knowledge with the feature record narration but was able to maneuver it. I thank God for coming through for me with this assignment.  

Module 8 Activity 7 Reflection

Module 8 Activity 7 Reflection

Activity 7A The readings provided on Information and communication technology integration (tablet) into the classroom was very insightful. My horizon with broaden or enhance with some on the information provided.  As a requirement of this activity I conduct an online group discussion based on your reading and reflection in the self-activity.  My colleagues and I also share our conclusion on the reading and stated whether they support or oppose the views mentioned.

Activity 7B zeroed in on Guidelines for managing tablets where my colleagues and I were engaged in a group discussion under the following heading what differentiate tablets from other learning technologies as well as the five most pivotal tips for a teacher using a tablet learning environment.

I really enjoy completing this activity I took away new knowledge as a result of this activity. I think a one tablet initiative could have substituted for the one netbook initiative. I definitely think that the integration of tablet in the classroom is the way forward.

Module 8 Activity 6 Reflection

Module 8

Module 8 Activity 6 Reflection

This activity was a very fruitful one.   The readings provide extensive information on this topic that can be very useful to teachers. For the activity my colleagues and I conducted  an online group discussion  that identified the pros and cons of one-to-one learning under the title  Pros and cons of one-to-one learning after which the main points will be place on the one to one learning page on the wiki. There are many pros that can be derived from one to one learning and they are as follows Students become more actively involved in the learning process. Students’ motivation level will increase, and students will be able to learn at the own pace in relation to classroom activity. 
 Some of the cons can be derived from a one to one learning includes It can be time consuming, students   may divert from the tasks at hand if student are not carefully supervise,
Teachers have to be trained to effectively integrate the devices into the lessons and finally it is expensive to introduce and maintained

In Activity 6B the following questions were debated and they are as follows 5 most important tips for a teacher teaching in a one-to-one learning environment? And what is the strongest feature of One to one learning. My colleagues and I completed a follow up discussion by collaboratively writing significant guidelines for the one to one learning on the wiki page one to one learning guidelines. 

I will try my best to utilize experience and I ideas what I gathered from this activity and integrated in my classroom. 

Thursday 4 September 2014

Module 8 Activity 5

Module 8

Module 8 Activity 5

The reading provided for this activity was very beneficial and time consuming. This activity comprised of three sections,  section a was a self activity  I observe  video extracts from classrooms in which one of these shows the use of an interactive whiteboard, while others videos  use other configurations of ICT. I also participated in an online discussion with my group on discussion forum is called “Interactivity". I was also required to compare my observations of interactivity in the videos and the conclusions that I have drawn from the self-activity the major focus was on interactivity alone.
Activity 5 B required me to participate in an online discussion with my group in the discussion forum is called The Interactive Whiteboard Board .
Based on my readings, I had to extract the most powerful conclusions about interactive whiteboards and I select eight (8) principles to consider before for the use of the interactive whiteboard that I share with your group.  Finally 5c require the updating of the wiki where I viewed and edit the page called wiki that is entitled Interactive whiteboard.
 I worked collaboratively identify the classroom management strategies and procedures that would facilitate effective learning with interactive whiteboards. Also I suggested practical measures for effectively managing the classroom and learning. 

This activity was a very exciting one to me that shed light on the topic Interactive whiteboard that I was not aware of previously.  I am looking forward for the next activity.