Tuesday 28 May 2013

Reflection on Module 3

Assignment 2

28th May 2013

This assignment was a bit of a challenge for me I read the instructions on numerous occasions trying to ascertain what is require in order to complete the assignment. I place a lot of work, time and energy into my assignment. I did my best and     God see me through the completion of  the assignment.  Before activity 9 I would log unto different websites without looking for the criteria now am more critical in the way I look at websites. I hope and trust I will receive good grade. 

Monday 20 May 2013

Module 3 Activity 9 Reflection

Module 3

Activity 9 Reflection

Sunday 19th May 2013

I enjoyed assessing various websites based on the information they contained based on the following headings  purpose, credibility, accuracy and final biasness towards given topics. This had shed light on which sites I would select information from. After this activity I am going to be careful with the information I am selecting from the internet because some of the questions I will now ask myself is the information from a credible source of information or is it accurate or if the author bias to the topic etc. 

My colleagues and I discuss the sites based on the above mention headings on the group blog.  Their comments I take into consideration since we are all unique and have different ways and style of presenting information.  A very good activity.

Module 3 Activity 8 Reflection

Module 3

Activity 8 Reflection

Sunday 19th may 2013

This activity was a very enlightening one for me as a lesson plan was constructed for grade k incorporating spreadsheet in Social Studies on the topic Types of houses individual students input data to create various charts.   Students were very interactive and engaged in the lesson students participated well as the share the type and colour of their houses in their groups respectively. 

Also the activity required colleagues to constructively criticize two lessons from the group and individuals the strengths and the weakness of lessons was highlighted to help teachers build, improve and correct their mistakes.  I really enjoy doing this activity.  Many teachers the idea of person critiquing their work but I think it is a very good initiative.  

Module 3 Activity 7 Reflection

Module 3

Activity 7 Reflection
Sunday 19th May 2013

This activity focus mainly on the utilization of the spreadsheet program to analyze and interpret data with a student named Nicole.  In the information present to the student in this activity Nicole was familiar with vehicle injury and the teacher was able to linked it to what she didn’t know effectively.  Nicole had no prior knowledge or experience with constructing graph using the spread sheet program so she was total dependent on the teacher to construct the graph. Also I had to answer questions based on the lesson and email my results to my tutor. 

I was provided with reading on just in time approached to learning which stipulates that you are  introduce  to tools and skills as and when you need them (just-in-time). I think this is a very good strategy where person would only learn skills that are relevant to them rather than learning a huge number of skills that is not relevant to them. 

The second aspect of this activity we were involved or Participated in an online discussion with our group using the subject heading Handling a big group, or we had to share our ideas about how you would use a spreadsheet on one computer in a classroom, when you have about 40 learners in the class.  I colleagues made very meaningful valuable contribution which I will used to enhance my teaching and Learning situation at my school.

Wednesday 15 May 2013

Module 3 Assignment 1

Module 3 Assignment 1

Wednesday 15th May 2013

This assignment required me to think and ponder greatly.   I manage to  completed my draft and Assignment in due time even though i was experiencing little difficulty with the final aspect. I didn't experience  any problems in the creation of my documents.  I place a  lot of emphasis and time in my assignment and I hope and  prayed it was for the best.

Sunday 5 May 2013

Module 3 Activity 5

Sunday 5th May 2013

This activity was very interesting and enlightening.  I loved the scenarios presented, some of which I was familiar with while I was  not aware of others.  

I especially like the Power Point Advance with the multiple mouse I found this to be very fascinating. I am definitely going  to incorporate some of these scenarios in my teaching situation. My only regret is that I did not get to explore more of them since  time did not permit, but would try them  out at a later date.  

Wednesday 1 May 2013

Module 3 Activity 4

Module 3 Activity 4
Activity 4 Reflection: Using Microsoft Excel to Create a Record Book
29th April 2013
In this activity we had to create a Record book using Microsoft Excel as administrative purpose which was very engaging.   I am familiar with the excel program so I got through to do it more quickly, the only part that was posing a bit of challenge to me was the area related to the If function since I forgot for a moment what was to be done but after a little fiddling and tapping my previous or prior knowledge I was able to get through. One of the benefits of the program is when you construct a template it is very easy to amend and update it rather than restarting the entire process from the beginning which assist the teacher and make work easier.  I have devise ways how to incorporate word processor into excel to make to improve the educational level of my students in and out of the classroom
Finally I feel elated working with excel because there are a lot of exciting activities and innovations you can engage in.

Module 4 Activity 3 B

Module 4 Activity 3 B

Reflection Activity 3B

Group Activity 3B: Integrating the word processor

27th April 2013
This activity included a lesson plan integrating the use of word processor by learners my lesson topic  was changing the appearance of pictures for grade six(6) students were instructed how to Crop, Lighten, Darken,Sharpen, and resizing pictures of animals.  The lesson was great the students participated well, those who understand the concepts were able to supply assistance to those who were experiencing some difficulty.
The activity was very engaging. Students were given a project to complete as a follow up activity students were very interested in this and this help curb the in differences among students since the project catered for individual differences. There were aspects of the excel exercise that took a little longer but eventually I was able to complete.

Module 3 Activity 3A

Module 3 Activity 3A
Activity 3 Reflection: Group Activity 3A - Gathering ideas
 27th April 2013
In this activity a collaborative excel document was utilize to share ideas about how the word processor can be used by students as a learning resource.   Every day our students are exposed and interact with word processing in our classroom whether at the primary, secondary or tertiary levels. A discussion was held with some of the colleagues at school and the following ideas emerge when using word processor you are able to edit your work before printing it. It also contains a spell checker utility that can be use to select correct grammar. The thesaurus feature can be employ to see the meaning of words and their synonyms, finally using a word processor you can transfer text from one location of the document to another without resulting to retyping.  Also my colleagues in my group made valuable contribution towards this activity, some of which I was aware of while I not conscious of some of the others. 

Activity 2 Reflection: Word Processor for Administrative Purposes

Module 3 Activity 2  
Activity 2 Reflection: Word Processor for Administrative Purposes
24th April 2013
In this activity the main focus was the administrative uses for word processor e.g. teachers can use word processor to formats forms, letters, flyers, invitations etc it presents information professionally, concisely and clearly in an organized manner.  The  activity allow me to construct  a Grade  k  readiness checklist which included the different tasks the students would complete, a rating scale was utilize to see  what level the students were operating at.  I also created a money worksheet for grade four (4) where students calculate the total for various items in a supermarket like setting. The feedback from the document was favourable.  
I really enjoyed this activity as I read all my colleagues work and commented on some of them briefly.   It can be established that the work produced by my colleagues were great and a wealth of knowledge do exist between us.  Finally I discovered some different activities and administrative tools that I can utilize in my teaching and learning situation since some new light was shed on the different administrative uses of word processor by my colleagues.