Friday 22 August 2014

Module 8 Assignment 1 Reflection

Module 8
 Module 8 Assignment 1 Reflection  

For this assignment we were asked to justify whether you would prefer to spend a school ICT budget on placing computers in a lab, a learning lab or one in each classroom.
In your opening paragraph state your preference ie Computer Lab or One Computer Classroom and in five paragraphs supporting reasons for your selection.

Also possible challenge that you may face with regard to classroom management were also highlighted and how In the final paragraph Finally strategies of how each challenge eradicated or lessened.

Finally both an advantage and a limitation of your planned implementation are mentioned. Even though this assignment appears to be simple on the first appearance it posed some difficulty to me.  

Module 8

Module 8 Activity 4 - The one Computer Classroom
As a requirement for this module one computer classroom was the focal point of this activity. The reading on this activity was very interesting. The information provided by Group 1 was very informative and up to date an excellent job was done with the presentation of the content.

Before this module I would have selected to invest into a  computer lab over a one computer classroom but know I am exposed to the diverse readings, information and experiences on the one computer classroom,   I am aware of the benefits that can occur as result of exposure of this one computer classroom my view point have changed significantly. One computer classroom allows teachers to integrate across the curriculum, it also provide opportunities for students and teacher to communicate between classes. 

The teacher can utilize a projected screen to display information to the whole class for e.g Power point Presentation.  The one computer can be use as a form of remediation to students who cannot grasps concepts and require additional  practice . The teacher can also set up learning centers in various sections of the classroom to curbs the issues of lack of computer by engaging all the student in other group related activities relevant to their group projects, class work, quizzes. I really enjoyed completing this activity. 

Tuesday 12 August 2014

Module 8 Activity 3 Reflection

Module 8

Module 8 Activity Reflection3  Pros and  Cons of High Density Computer Lab

As a requirement for this activity my colleagues and I were asked to discuss the pros and cons of a high density lab. The readings provided for this activity were very informative. In the past the government of St. Vincent and the Grenadines, placed heavy emphasis on high density labs in our secondary system their main purposes were for the teaching of Information Technology lessons and project purposes, rather than integrating Information and Communication Technology across the school curriculum or the different subject areas.
The rapid development with technology have reduce desktops computer to devices in the past since blackberry and Samsung cell phones, laptops, net book, PDA, Palmtops, kindle fire, tablets etc have taken over the modernized and technological world.
As a teacher I applauded the Government of St. Vincent and the Grenadines for embarking on the one net book per child initiative which have definitely improve our teaching and learning situation.  In discussion with my colleagues some significant points were mentioned and some of the points were similar while others were a bit different. Some of the benefits that can be derived from such labs include students working independently or with a peer on computers to complete tasks. Also students are motivated to learn, they will retain more information since they are actively involved in the learning process.
Some of the ideas or cons mentioned by colleagues are careful monitoring of students is required to prevent them from viewing inappropriate websites, content, and ensure students or tasks.  These labs are expensive to configure and maintaining. If teacher don’t plan effectively completing tasks could be time consuming. Also the arrangement of computer stay in one location preventing the utilization of some Teaching strategies.

In conclusion this activity reactivated my days in Information Technology classes and as student I was really excited and motivated to go to IT classes and wished I was granted the  opportunity to go every day.

Monday 11 August 2014

Module 8 Activity 2 Reflection

Module 8

Module 8 Activity 2 Reflection

This activity consisted of two sections namely Section A and B.
Section A required me to use group wiki and share my understanding of new terminologies or concepts that emerged from the reading for the activity in the glossy. We save our changes from the exercise.    At first I was experiencing some problems with wiki group but I am able to manipulate it.
Section B   involved a group discussion which zeroed in on the pros and cons of ICT-enabled classrooms. Initially when I started integrated ICT into my lessons I encountered problems until I got more experience and training. The training received from this module so far have been a great and rewarding experience, For ICT integrated lesson to be effective careful planning is required and all the dimensions of teaching and learning need to be taken into consideration.   
As the teacher I often layout the ground rules or what is expected of my students.  Some of the advantages I observed in my ICT classroom are as follows students are motivated to learn and are more engaged, students retention level of the content increases, it also cater for  students learning abilities and learning styles.

Some disadvantages of ICT enabled lessons are technical failure can arise so teachers need to be adequate train to help eradicate or carryout simple troubleshooting skills, it is also time consuming exercise.   All teachers should use ICT  integrated lessons for the 21st century or they will be left behind  in this global technological age. I am  really enjoying this module since I am really enjoying this module. 

Saturday 2 August 2014

Module 8: Activity 1(one) Reflection on Principles of Classroom Management

Module 8: 
Activity 1(one) Reflection on Principles of Classroom Management

The reading provided for this activity was very useful and beneficial to me.  I was familiar with some aspects of the content areas provided. Activity 1a zeroed in on principles of good classroom management where I was required to edited relevant points on the page created. The experience with wiki spaces was particularly new one to me I have no prior knowledge with the software so I had to create a teacher account I am presently still in the process of discovering and exploring with that software. This software also allowed me to edit pages etc.

Activity 1b focused on a group online discussion with the heading classroom experiences with ICT Integration I shared my experiences with ICT Integration and revamp principles where applicable, I also share ideas of good measures that can be employed to effectively manage classroom with the ICT integration in the classroom which I was willing to share and I was particularly curious to hear about my colleagues experiences.  In fact some of the experiences were similar while others were of a different nature.

Finally Activity 1c required me to utilize wiki View and edit the page in the wiki that is titled Classroom Management with ICT Integration, and to edit and save the current page.
This  activity was a very interesting one and I took away  new ideas and knowledge  that were  unfamiliar with previously.