Saturday 8 February 2014

Module 1 Activity 4 Reflection

Module 1 Activity 4 Reflection

The Powerful lesson about Operant Conditioning that I have learned from the reading is that both humans and animals are active or operant in their surroundings.  It was discovered that Students are likely to do display behaviours more frequently when the behaviour is praised or reinforced.   

Sometimes we observed students displaying certain behaviours and we wonder what is happening, and in most cases it boils down to the home, in these cases it is our duty and responsibility to divert students to more acceptable alternative behaviour through positive reinforcement example token and stamps.  When the students with behavioural problem see the other students are being rewarded for behaving themselves or doing good they too will want to be rewarded.

If on the other hand you take away some time from students break of lunch period for misbehaving this will reduce the chances of that student misbehaving.
In Grade K  a  now serving up behaviour chart have significantly improved students behaviour  the three behaviours  served are sweet, sour and bitter those students who remained on sweet usually are reward while those on sour are warned and those who move unto to bitter are punish so those behaviour  would be  repeated.
So it is pivotal that the role models display behaviour for which there is positive reinforcement so that the  behaviour can repeated, and that which is punished is less likely  to be repeated or the occurrences of that behaviour will be reduced.

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