Sunday 26 January 2014

Module 1 Activity 3 Relection

Module 1 Activity 3: Social Cognitive Theory

The activity was a very good one for me I learned some new information while some the information was from my previous Knowledge.
The social learning theory states that people learn within a social context.  It also states the individual learn by what they see or observed.   In this theory emphasis is place on the imitations of role models. The models are a vital source for learning behavior or for achieving behavior modification in an institutionalized context.
Some of the most powerful lessons learn from this reading are as follows
1.    The most significant way, in which Students acquire new behaviours whether good or bad, is basically by imitating, copying or modeling others.

2.    Also media such as the television can also influence or contribute the behaviours students display.

3.    Students copy more behaviors that the see others get praise for so that they themselves would be praise also.

4.    It is important for us to remember the influence models have on learners’ behaviour. In the case of this theory, a model is anyone whose behaviour may be copied or imitated by others.
There are four cognitive processes to think about when we break observational learning down into its parts. These cognitive processes are:
  1. Attention
  2. Retention
  3. Production
  4. Motivation

After this reading I am definitely going to be more observant with my learners and also be more  cognizant of the fact that my learners will observe what behavior are being displayed and it is my duty to reinforce positive behaviours and  eradicate negatives behaviours.

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