Monday 26 May 2014

Activity 6 A, B and C Reflection

Activity 6A, 6B and 6C Reflection

Activity 6A Reflection
This activity was a manageable activity to finish, I normally utilized chart in Microsoft Excel to demonstrate how data collected can be visually represented. I never utilized chart in the field of Geography so I completed a brief research of a lesson related to Geography.  I selected Expected rainfall In St.Vincent and the Grenadines for the period of January to December the information was obtained mainly from a website. I completed both a line graph and column graph with the data collected from the website. I really enjoyed completing this activity because of my love for creating charts.

Activity 6B Reflection
This activity required me to utilize paint to manipulate a drawing in the field of Biology field, I selected the digestive system. I removed the label parts from the diagram and replace them with the numbers
1-9   this can be utilize for examination purposes or worksheet so students can complete individually. I was familiar with paint and the removal of the text.   However there are still some features are that I am I unaware of their full potential. A Great  activity.

Activity 6C Reflection
I selected the activity using drawing tools in Microsoft Word 2007 to draw  a house comprising of two dimensional shapes (2D) the activity created is for a Grade k where the students will identify the various shapes that are present in the house for worksheet or class work, I also add various colors to emphasize or accentuate  the house.  This diagram will definitely stimulate students’ interest. I often utilize the shapes from this office programs to type text or to allow students to experiment with them.  I normally allow my student to experiment with this aspect in the program.  This activity reactivated my knowledge in drawing of shapes in Microsoft Word.

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