Tuesday 20 May 2014

Activity 5 Reflections

Module 5

Module 5 Activity 5A Exploring Website Resources Reflection

While conducting my Exploration of Useful Websites Resources for Mathematics the four Websites that stand out the most are fun4thebrain.com, coolmaths.com, interactivesites.weebly.com and softschool.com.  The Web Sites were selected because they are beneficial to both teachers and students by extension the parents and the wider community.

The Websites provide diverse Mathematical Activities and Games related to relevant to concepts.  The sites provide meaningful situations to increase students’ motivation level in an exciting manner. These websites can assist in developing positive attitudes in students towards Mathematics since content is delivered in more student centered classroom. Students learning will definitely
increased with the introduction of these Websites in the comparison to teacher centered classroom activities. These websites provide opportunities to test ideas and incorporate problem solving strategies to complete activities.
These websites provide opportunities for students to be directly responsible for their own learning.  

The websites supplies information, activities and games on various Mathematical topics or concepts directly related to the curriculum.  Finally students can use the websites to build their knowledge of concepts, reinforce concepts and clarify misconceptions.

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