Monday 26 May 2014

Activity 6 A, B and C Reflection

Activity 6A, 6B and 6C Reflection

Activity 6A Reflection
This activity was a manageable activity to finish, I normally utilized chart in Microsoft Excel to demonstrate how data collected can be visually represented. I never utilized chart in the field of Geography so I completed a brief research of a lesson related to Geography.  I selected Expected rainfall In St.Vincent and the Grenadines for the period of January to December the information was obtained mainly from a website. I completed both a line graph and column graph with the data collected from the website. I really enjoyed completing this activity because of my love for creating charts.

Activity 6B Reflection
This activity required me to utilize paint to manipulate a drawing in the field of Biology field, I selected the digestive system. I removed the label parts from the diagram and replace them with the numbers
1-9   this can be utilize for examination purposes or worksheet so students can complete individually. I was familiar with paint and the removal of the text.   However there are still some features are that I am I unaware of their full potential. A Great  activity.

Activity 6C Reflection
I selected the activity using drawing tools in Microsoft Word 2007 to draw  a house comprising of two dimensional shapes (2D) the activity created is for a Grade k where the students will identify the various shapes that are present in the house for worksheet or class work, I also add various colors to emphasize or accentuate  the house.  This diagram will definitely stimulate students’ interest. I often utilize the shapes from this office programs to type text or to allow students to experiment with them.  I normally allow my student to experiment with this aspect in the program.  This activity reactivated my knowledge in drawing of shapes in Microsoft Word.

Tuesday 20 May 2014

Activity 5 Reflections

Module 5

Module 5 Activity 5A Exploring Website Resources Reflection

While conducting my Exploration of Useful Websites Resources for Mathematics the four Websites that stand out the most are,, and  The Web Sites were selected because they are beneficial to both teachers and students by extension the parents and the wider community.

The Websites provide diverse Mathematical Activities and Games related to relevant to concepts.  The sites provide meaningful situations to increase students’ motivation level in an exciting manner. These websites can assist in developing positive attitudes in students towards Mathematics since content is delivered in more student centered classroom. Students learning will definitely
increased with the introduction of these Websites in the comparison to teacher centered classroom activities. These websites provide opportunities to test ideas and incorporate problem solving strategies to complete activities.
These websites provide opportunities for students to be directly responsible for their own learning.  

The websites supplies information, activities and games on various Mathematical topics or concepts directly related to the curriculum.  Finally students can use the websites to build their knowledge of concepts, reinforce concepts and clarify misconceptions.

Module 5 Assignment 1 Reflection

Module 5
Module 5 Assignment 1 Reflection

This assignment on my first view look a bit easy but after carefully reading and interpreting it became a bit more challenging. I tried my best in attempting the sections, section A posed the most challenge to complete but in the end I got through to send both my draft and assignment in due time despite not feeling well in that period. 

I had to rename my assignment because I did not follow the correct format for naming my file. I pray that it was done correctly.

Module 5 Activity 4 Reflection

Module 5
Module 5 Activity 4A and 4B Reflection

This activity dealt with reviewing Software. I reviewed the educational software http://www.mathplayground.comASB_AlienAddition.html  on the following criteria objective, installion, content significance, navigation, appropriateness, continuous Evaluation/ Feedback and finally summation.

 I found this software to be very engaging and interesting which aids in cementing concept posing great difficulty to students.  
I also focus on the success, limitation and conclusion of the software which I detailed in my word document. In relation to the second activity which was a collaborative discussion held about my experience with educational Software. I was required to comment on some of my colleagues work and  After reading all the comments  I concluded that we shared some similar experiences while others were different which assisted me enhancing the way the way I  effectively incorporate  educational software in my lessons.  

This activity definitely shed light on areas I took for granted with the Educational Software. I enjoyed this activity because it was a very fruitful activity.