Friday 14 March 2014

Module 1 Activity 9 Reflection

Module 1

Module 1 Activity 9 Reflection

This activity provided useful information on Why Teachers  use Questioning in the classroom, and the  mains reasons highlighted from the readings are as follows:  to test understanding, to recall/ memorize facts , to challenge, to stimulate interest, to share ideas ,  to encourage different levels of thinking, and finally to express feeling towards a particular topic.  As teachers when creating test the table of specification is essential in constructing questions for an examination or a test, this assist teacher in selecting questions from the 6 levels of the taxonomy.  

The basic levels of the taxonomy include questions from the categories of knowledge, comprehension and application then progressing to the higher levels of the continuum such as analysis, synthesis and evaluation .The utilization of the highest level requires our students to think more critically and analytically.

The  reading focused on what are open and close questions and  suitable examples of the various categories was supplied so that a better understanding Is gain, focus was  also placed on  students constructed questions based on the topic being presented to them.

Also activity 9 required the construction of ten (10) questions as well as identifying one way I can improve my questioning technique.
I really enjoyed completing in this activity I had previous or prior knowledge with some of the content areas while I assimilated and accommodated and new information in my schema. I will definitely incorporate some of the new ideas into my classroom practices.

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