Friday 7 March 2014

Activity 8 Reflection

Module 1

Activity 8 Reflection

The reading on Piaget provided very essential information for teachers. I was familiar with the some information from college. I usually incorporate his theory in my daily classroom activity and practice since his theory is based on more constructivist theories of learning, where the students are center in the learning  process my role therefore is  to act as a guide, or coach to the students .
In the constructivist classroom students take more responsibility for their own learning and are more engaged and willing to increase educational output.    

 I ensure that suitable materials are utilized so students can reach maximum potential.  Students like to interact with any technological device so sometimes they use their tablet, kindle fire, digital camera, webcam and their Net book, to locate information or to take relevant picture etc.

When my colleagues commented on Piaget influence in education the viewpoint shared were the same or very similar.

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