Saturday 15 March 2014

Module 1 Activity 10 Reflection

Module 1

Module 1 Activity 10 Reflection

The readings related to this activity were very useful and applicable.  Teachers can definitely incorporate the information gained from the readings in their classroom practices when conducting discussions. Discussions stimulate the learners thinking capacity as well as improving their social skills among classmates and their teacher. It also assists students to develop listening skills and learn to respect others opinions.  Discussion allows students hear diverse views on the on a controversial topic or issues confronting the society.  

For discussion to be implemented successfully the teacher must take on the role of a facilitator,  or coach  whose responsibility is to  monitor students closely and ask questions to see if students understand task at hand.
 Another requirement for my activity was to engaged students in a class discussion in the field of Information technology on the topic should computer be used in all subjects’ areas in the classroom. Students responded favourably or positively to this particular topic.

Discussions can be utilize  for both teaching and learning purposes.
After completing the reading and activity I am definitely going to improve the way I conduct discussions in my classroom environment or setting.

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