Tuesday 25 March 2014

Module 1 Activity 12 Reflection

Module 1

Module 1 Activity 12 Reflection

The readings for this activity highlight the benefits of problem solving in the classroom which includes engaging the learner in reasoning skills, it involves selecting relevant information and understanding of the problem and increasing the learner's confidence, it encourages learners to share ideas and learn from each other, finally it give teachers the opportunity to see how learners think and how they can apply their knowledge and skills when trying to solve a problem.
 This activity focused on creating a problem solving activity in my classroom.  I selected my Grade 6 Information and Technology class to investigate the topic Computer Vision Syndrome in mix ability groups and complete a mini portfolio with the information collected.  The students answer research questions and come up workable solution to the growing issue. Students completed PowerPoint presentation on this issue.  This activity made me reevaluate how I will encourage my students will solve problems whether simple or complex and what meaningful strategies they can implement to eradicate problems or issues confronting them in their homes, schools and by extension the community as a whole.

Wednesday 19 March 2014

Module 1 Activity 11 Reflection

Module 1

Module 1 Activity 11 Reflection

I completed three readings related to this activity which mainly focused on using contrast to stimulate thinking, planning questions and managing questions. 

The information received from the reading are very important for classroom teachers to incorporate in the lessons I was particularly interested in using contrast to stimulate students learning since the activity required me to create and utilize a lesson plan demonstrating this concept. The Grade k  lesson was based measurement of capacity.

This lesson was a very interactive one and the students participated well. This strategy helps enhance lessons and increases students’ retention level.  The members of the group had to comment on colleagues lessons.  I really enjoyed doing this activity looking forward for the new module.

Saturday 15 March 2014

Module 1 Activity 10 Reflection

Module 1

Module 1 Activity 10 Reflection

The readings related to this activity were very useful and applicable.  Teachers can definitely incorporate the information gained from the readings in their classroom practices when conducting discussions. Discussions stimulate the learners thinking capacity as well as improving their social skills among classmates and their teacher. It also assists students to develop listening skills and learn to respect others opinions.  Discussion allows students hear diverse views on the on a controversial topic or issues confronting the society.  

For discussion to be implemented successfully the teacher must take on the role of a facilitator,  or coach  whose responsibility is to  monitor students closely and ask questions to see if students understand task at hand.
 Another requirement for my activity was to engaged students in a class discussion in the field of Information technology on the topic should computer be used in all subjects’ areas in the classroom. Students responded favourably or positively to this particular topic.

Discussions can be utilize  for both teaching and learning purposes.
After completing the reading and activity I am definitely going to improve the way I conduct discussions in my classroom environment or setting.

Friday 14 March 2014

Module 1 Activity 9 Reflection

Module 1

Module 1 Activity 9 Reflection

This activity provided useful information on Why Teachers  use Questioning in the classroom, and the  mains reasons highlighted from the readings are as follows:  to test understanding, to recall/ memorize facts , to challenge, to stimulate interest, to share ideas ,  to encourage different levels of thinking, and finally to express feeling towards a particular topic.  As teachers when creating test the table of specification is essential in constructing questions for an examination or a test, this assist teacher in selecting questions from the 6 levels of the taxonomy.  

The basic levels of the taxonomy include questions from the categories of knowledge, comprehension and application then progressing to the higher levels of the continuum such as analysis, synthesis and evaluation .The utilization of the highest level requires our students to think more critically and analytically.

The  reading focused on what are open and close questions and  suitable examples of the various categories was supplied so that a better understanding Is gain, focus was  also placed on  students constructed questions based on the topic being presented to them.

Also activity 9 required the construction of ten (10) questions as well as identifying one way I can improve my questioning technique.
I really enjoyed completing in this activity I had previous or prior knowledge with some of the content areas while I assimilated and accommodated and new information in my schema. I will definitely incorporate some of the new ideas into my classroom practices.

Friday 7 March 2014

Assignment 2 Reflection

Module 1

Assignment 2 Reflection

This assignment was based on applying two principle of cognitive development that influences my teaching. At first the assignment look pretty easy and straight forward and after reading and careful internalization it seem a bit complicated.   I almost did not get to submit my assignment in time because I fell asleep thank God I wake up in time. I hope and trust that all my effort and time will result in favourable result.

Activity 8 Reflection

Module 1

Activity 8 Reflection

The reading on Piaget provided very essential information for teachers. I was familiar with the some information from college. I usually incorporate his theory in my daily classroom activity and practice since his theory is based on more constructivist theories of learning, where the students are center in the learning  process my role therefore is  to act as a guide, or coach to the students .
In the constructivist classroom students take more responsibility for their own learning and are more engaged and willing to increase educational output.    

 I ensure that suitable materials are utilized so students can reach maximum potential.  Students like to interact with any technological device so sometimes they use their tablet, kindle fire, digital camera, webcam and their Net book, to locate information or to take relevant picture etc.

When my colleagues commented on Piaget influence in education the viewpoint shared were the same or very similar.

Activity 7 Reflection

Module 1

Activity 7 Reflection

I enjoyed the reading provided for this activity.
I often utilize the principles of scaffolding and cooperative learning my classroom.  These principles are very essential in assisting students to raise their educational attainment.  Working in groups is beneficial to both students and teacher as weaker students get or obtain assistance from competent peer. The teacher also gets to identify the strengths and weakness of particular students since the teacher is facilitating the process.   
Scaffolding is an effective principle that brings home concepts clearer to the learner because of the support system that is provided and by teacher or competent peer. A enjoyed this activity.