Thursday 24 October 2013

Module 4 

Activity 4A and 4B Reflection

Assessment is a very vital element in the learning process so teachers need to be aware of the different diversity that exists in relation to assessment procedures and methodologies. As teacher we need to be aware of the different learners we encounter on a daily basis, and what suitable methods that can be utilize to integrate Information and Communication and Technology in assessment, or which devices are most suitable for the activities you have to conduct, also we need to be aware of the different skills that will be assess and reasons why we are assessing these skills etc.  Even though the activities constituted a lot of reading the information received provided a meaningful insight to me.  Some of the information was previous knowledge to me while other were new or shed  new light in the way I looked at the information previously.  

I was particularly interested in the aspect which dealt with the theory of multiple intelligence by Gardner. Also the guidelines provided demonstrated to teachers more constructivist methods or approaches of assessment   they can follow for e.g. group assessment, self assessment and peer assessment, summative and formative assessment.  I found the information on the types of peer assessment to be very useful to me. 

The activities comprised of two sections where five(5)  Information and communication Technology standards were compose and a set of assessment guidelines for assessment were develop after which colleagues provide immediate feedback on what we have presented.
With the information gained so far from this module I will definitely put it into practice.

Saturday 19 October 2013

Module 4

Activity 3 Reflection

This activity contained  a lot of reading material to complete which was very beneficial to me. I learnt some new or additional from the reading.  When I tapped into my previous knowledge regarding my experience with Gardner multiple Intelligence theory, I must confess that I utilize and incorporate some of the intelligences while others are left unattended.  I am most definitely going to t improve in utilization of most these intelligences or get familiar with using all of them since this can help to improve student’s educational outcomes.  Diversity is very essential element in any situation since you have an option you decide what you want to include and exclude. Having a monopoly  with the use one or two of the intelligences  will not give a true reflection since all of the them are most of them are not assessed which means retention level will drop if you are using the same option over and over again.  If this is accomplished or achieved the situation will become monotonous and the interest and motivation will decline significantly. When planning for classroom instruction the teacher must take into consideration the following they way students learn, their ability to think out the box, select appropriate activities, learning theories, learning styles, teaching and assessment methods.  

Wednesday 16 October 2013

Module 4
Reflection on Activity 2
Student’s assessment procedures have change considerately from more teacher centered assessment methods or approaches to students centered assessment method or approaches.   It is very good to know what my colleagues views are on what we assessed on a daily bases in the classroom in light of what we are doing similarly and differently.  I have found some meaningful ideas that I can utilized in the classroom for better results and achievement on the part of the student.

Based on my colleagues responses it can be clearly seen that the following areas were highlighted frequently by colleagues responses 1. conducting peer assessment, 2. Student’s use of the application of higher order thinking skills, 3. Student’s memorization of facts previously presented to them, 4. The ability to transfer what students know to a different context and situation, 5.students working individually and collectively on given tasks, and 6. students are provided with the opportunity to foster creativity.

There are some areas which I have not assessed for example student’s ability to adequately or effectively manage their time wisely to complete given tasks. If students don’t balance time well this can definitely influence students performance in school so effectively use of time is beneficial to students .

Also students ability to 
demonstrate students appropriate attitudes and value towards their work  I can include this  feature in future assessment practice by indicating how students  attitude and value and perception can deter or hinder  their progress as well how it can be beneficial to their work positively. Positive  attitudes and values since it will definitely improve educational outcome he student  for  while negative values and attitude and perception will produce negative output.