Friday 26 April 2013

Monday 22nd April 2013

Module 3 Activity 1

Roles of the Educator by Emilia Potenza? (Curriculum Adviser)
I started my second module which is module 3 on Monday the 22nd April in a whole day workshop facilitated by our Tutor Mr.  Roos.  We were provided with reading on the seven roles of the teacher.  I enjoyed the reading as it shed light on some of the quality I should possess in the classroom most of which I am familiar with.   I love the subdivision of the various roles we  had to complete. My colleagues and I work  collaboratively on  the seven roles and place our input in an excel document.  The responses of  my colleagues  were very informative and enlightening.   It is great to hear the views of others so you can come to a tentative conclusion.

Module 2 Assignment

Assignment 3 Reflection

This assignment posed a bit of a challenge to me especially the final aspect but in the end I manage to get it completed on upload.  I took all out of me and I did my best.  I hope and trust my hard work was worth it.

Monday 15 April 2013

Activity 9

After concluding reading on the star chart it can be seen as an initiative that can be utilize in our various teaching and learning situations in relation to school readiness in Information and Communication Technology. The chart outlined four Tech level inclusive of early tech, developing tech, Advance Tech and finally target tech.  

The Star Chart was beneficial to me since it assisted me in determining my school readiness in relation to Information and Communication Technology it gave an in-depth assessment of the level at which my school is functioning in terms of its ICT readiness. The Star Chart can determine where we are now and how we can move on to the different stages in the future.

I loved how the chart included parents and community involvement.  To be successful in anything we have to always address everyone who is involved whether directly or indirectly.  As teachers we can tailor this chart to meet certain ICT criteria.  I personally think the star chart can be utilized in our society.


Thursday 11 April 2013

Activity 8

Activity 8 Reflection
The reading on the Church Hill Report on teaching spaces and curriculum delivery was quite useful and beneficial to me. It was said that the arrival of even one computer in the classroom can influence the way students learn and the way the classroom operates.  Making space in the classroom for Computers and other peripherals devices initiates a rethinking process on the part of the teacher which will lead to reevaluating of classroom activities.  Having adequate space in the classroom is very important. Many students need personal space in order to feel that they belong to the classroom and that they can keep their personal belongings safe.
The way you organize your classroom reflects your expectations for student participation and behavior.  Classroom arrangements generally fall on the scale between student-centered and teacher-centered approaches.
The classroom is only one of the places where children learn. And as teachers, we have the opportunity to take advantage of different spaces to spark different kinds of learning.  When planning my lessons I would definitely take into consideration best practices with teaching space, How ICT would influence my methods, assessment etc.

Activity 7

Activity 7

This activity was quite interesting and fascinating I was never exposed to the drop box program or facility before, but some of the features I had some previous knowledge of it.  I definitely see this as a tool I can utilize in my teaching and learning situation.  This is a good medium for students to interact and collaborate and share ideas, and comment on their classmates work. I use the feature to comment on three of my colleague’s presentation which I found to be good presentations. I am going to explore aspects of drop box  utility I am not aware of.