Saturday 14 March 2015

Module 10 Activity 1 Reflection

Module 10

Module 10 Activity 1 Reflection

The readings provided for this activity was quite edifying and useful to me.  This activity consisted of two sections, which are A and B respectively.

Activity  1 A I was  expected to state  and describe what phase  my school  is at in relation to ICT integration, for e.g.(Emerging, applying, integrating/transforming phase) In a one page document I chose the emerging stage  to  best depicts  the level where my school is at  in regards to  how my school is utilizing  technology.

Activity 1 B focus on writing a letter to respond to worried parents complaints , also outline  the benefits to be derived  as a result of the introduction of the various devices  in my school. This activity was a great one as I reflected on my school , and my country advancement in the field  ICT /technology.

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