Saturday 14 March 2015

Module 10 Activity 2 Reflection

Module 10

Module 10 Activity 2 Reflection

For this activity we were provided with enlightening and useful information to effectively complete the activity following directly after. As a requirement of the activity we formulated scenario which either we knew or what happen at my school and identify or offer possible solutions.  

We also had to Participate in an online group discussion where you discuss responses to the scenarios, and reply with a possible solution to one of the scenarios you receive from our group.  We also focus on why we have an ICT policy.  I provided a vision for my school ICT policy after which I shared my school ICT policy with the group.

Finally we had to find and share ICT Policies from around the world in which I chose and share the Quintilian School policy. It was exciting looking at the different ICT policy for different places I found some to be slighty similar and different in some cases. ICT policy is very integral part in laying a smooth transition pathway to get effective ICT integration in the classroom.

Module 10 Activity 1 Reflection

Module 10

Module 10 Activity 1 Reflection

The readings provided for this activity was quite edifying and useful to me.  This activity consisted of two sections, which are A and B respectively.

Activity  1 A I was  expected to state  and describe what phase  my school  is at in relation to ICT integration, for e.g.(Emerging, applying, integrating/transforming phase) In a one page document I chose the emerging stage  to  best depicts  the level where my school is at  in regards to  how my school is utilizing  technology.

Activity 1 B focus on writing a letter to respond to worried parents complaints , also outline  the benefits to be derived  as a result of the introduction of the various devices  in my school. This activity was a great one as I reflected on my school , and my country advancement in the field  ICT /technology.