Tuesday 14 October 2014

Module 6 Activity 1 Reflection

    Module 6

   Module 6 Activity 1 Reflection

     My experience with project have been a challenging but rewarding experience.
     This activity focused on an online group discussion called Benefits of project-based learning in which the benefits for project-based learning in teaching was discuss among myself and my colleagues. Some or the points mentioned was identical while others were  diverse.
   Some of the benefits  Shared by colleagues for project Based Learning are as follows:
    1.    Projects support integration across the curriculum.
     2.     Project Promotes collaboration and the development of social skills.     
     3.    Project Increased students independence

    4.    Project Based Learning engages all students regardless of their learning styles.
   5.    Project Based Learning focuses on teaching students’ knowledge and skills based on concepts related the curriculum. 

   6. Project Based Learning engage students to ask questions, and use resources available to come up with solutions.
     This was a great activity the views shared were excellent.