Saturday 28 June 2014

Module 5 Assignment 3 Reflection

Module 5

Module 5 Assignment 3 Reflection

This assignment was very challenging to me though I was familiar with unit and lesson planning.  The major focus of the Assignment was summary plan of you learning experience and reflection was also needed.    
This Assignment called for extensive work.  The assignment was very time consuming since carefully thought and planning was required.  I fell sick last night and almost did not get to submitted on time. I know with God help I will be successful.   Overall this module was very exciting and posed a bit of challenge to me.  I obtained some new information from the module while other was previous knowledge.

Wednesday 18 June 2014

Module 5 Activity 11 Reflection

Module 5

Module 5 Activity 11 Reflection

Activity 11B focal point was to identify which activities in my digital resource were well received in the classroom and why.  It also zeroed in on those activities that were not effective and why. Finally it dealt with activities which I can change to assist in improving my resource. 

This activity allowed me to take careful consideration before I attempted questions outlined for the activity discussion. I am definitely going to take into consideration all what I have learned in this module to increase and boost my teaching and learning situation.  

Monday 16 June 2014

Module 5 Activity 10 Reflection

Module 5

Module 5 Activity10: Producing Resources:
 The focal point for this activity is the utilization of software to develop resources I chose to utilize Microsoft office word to create my resource.
This activity was proved to bit of a challenge tough it was a bit straight forward. Developing these resources can definitely increase and improve productive in my teaching and learning situation. With the utilization of this resource students communication, recording, interpretation, visually representing and higher order thing skills such as problem solving, critical and creative thinking etc will be develop.

Also Students are given the opportunity to examine and explore information from Grades 1-5 relevant to the snacks they eat at break. Students use obtained from information from students and constructed a pie chart and column graph. Most of the activities for this activity were student centered and relevant to students’ everyday life. This activity will heightened teachers awareness in enhancing eagerness  to produce more digital lessons and deliver in a more meaningful way and interesting way.

Friday 6 June 2014

Module 5 Assignment 2 Reflection

Module 5

Module 5 Assignment 2 Reflection

The first glance at this assignment revealed it was relatively easy but it proved to be otherwise. I had to redo aspects of my assignment which proved to be time consuming. I almost did not complete it but with God grace I met the deadline. I have done what was expected so I hope it pays off.   

Module 5 Activity 7 Reflection

Module 5

Module 5 Activity 7 Reflection 

This activity required us to identify resources available to me in the school which includes I created a list comprising of seven resources and their uses was identified and how information and Communication Technology support their use. The second part of the activity focus on targeted curriculum for your subject area, resources that could be used for the objectives.  It also looked at how Information and communication support Teaching and learning for the objective chosen. This activity was ok.